Sustainable approaches for Entrepreneurial (Co)Action

This action-based course offers learning-by-doing within the area of sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation and other topics related to the main theme. Students will work on a real-life project of helping others to engage in sustainable entrepreneurship and viewing entrepreneurship as new value creation for others (not only creating wealth for oneself).

The course adressses sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation from a technical university perspective, considering research, policy and practice perspectives, and impact across disciplines. The main emphasis will be on tackling the challenges of engaging in sustainable activities related to developing ideas, strategies that can alleviate some of these challenges, and the tools and methods that can be used to facilitate the process.

General information

This Tracks course awards 7.5 ECTS and runs in study period 2-3 in 2024-2025. Focus is on students' awareness and ability in sustainable entrepreneurship. 



How to apply



Teacher: Yashar Mansoori
Course dates: Study period 2-3, 2024
Credits: 7.5 ECTS 

Course code: TRA330
Application deadline: Closed for application

New Summer School in Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Summer School in Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation is a combined digital and in-person-week intensive training organised by Chalmers University of Technology, as part of the ENHANCE alliance, supported and funded by the EU. Students are being introduced to key themes connected to Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, with perspectives from multiple stakeholders.