Chalmers is a foundation university with the board of the Chalmers University of Technology Foundation as its supreme decision-making body. Included in the Chalmers Foundation group are the subsidiary companies:
- Chalmers University of Technology (Chalmers tekniska högskola AB)
- Chalmers Holding AB.
Chalmers Holding AB has the subsidiaries Chalmers Ventures AB, Chalmersfastigheter AB and Chalmers Next Labs AB.
The Chalmers Foundation is also a partner in the technology parks Lindholmen Science Park, Johanneberg Science Park and Sahlgrenska Science Park as well as in SEEL Swedish Electric Transport Laboratory AB.
Foundation board
The Board of the Chalmers University of Technology Foundation consists of the following members since 15 July 2020:
- Christel Armstrong Darvik, Chair
- Nicolas Hassbjer, Vice-Chair
- Victoria van Camp
- Karin Lundgren
- Anita Hansbo
- Emil Källström
- Johan Malmquist
- Anders Osberg
- Carl Wäppling
- Martin Nilsson Jacobi, President and CEO of Chalmers University of Technology
Co-opted members with right of expression:
- Sara Wallin, CEO Chalmers University of Technology Foundation
- Stefan Bengtsson, Chair of Chalmers tekniska högskola AB (Chalmers University of Technology).
- Stefan Svarén, Internal auditor (right of attendance)
Foundation office
Visiting address: Hugo Grauers gata 5B
Postal address: Stiftelsen Chalmers tekniska högskola, 412 96 GÖTEBORG
Organisation number: 855100-5799
Foundation office profiles

- Ceo, Stiftelsen Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Financial Manager, Stiftelsen Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Responsible for investments, Stiftelsen Chalmers tekniska högskola

- Responsible for investments, Stiftelsen Chalmers tekniska högskola

- Financial Officer, Stiftelsen Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Development Strategist, Stiftelsen Chalmers tekniska högskola
- Legal Counsel, Stiftelsen Chalmers tekniska högskola

- Board member, Chalmers University of Technology

- Fundraiser, Stiftelsen Chalmers tekniska högskola
Asset management
The foundation capital is the financial basis for the task of ownership. The Foundation was formed from the liquidation of the employee funds. On formation, the Foundation received SEK 1,580 million, SEK 900 million of which is the restricted foundation capital. The return on the foundation capital is intended to finance specific strategic initiatives (the purpose), as well as the cost of the Foundation’s office, Board fees, etc.
Responsibility for the Foundation’s asset management rests with a finance committee under the Board, which is responsible for the allocation of capital between and within authorised limits within the framework of the financial policy. The Foundation’s asset management target is to return an average of 3% plus inflation per annum over a ten-year period, calculated as return on equity after operating expenses.
Investing activities are carried out both in-house with private holdings and with investments in public funds. Investments are made in both equity and fixed income markets with a global and regional focus.
Strategic development projects
According to the statutes of the foundation our third objective is to, within available resources, finance projects that the foundation deems to be of value to Chalmers. The Foundation's investments towards Chalmers University of Technology aims to increase the quality, innovation and attractiveness of the university's activities. They should not replace funding from another financier.
The investments should bring Chalmers forward in actively selected and defined areas for development.
Read more about the two foundation's investments CHAIR och Genie below.

Artificial intelligence will have a great impact on our future. It is up to us to make sure we make use of it in the best possible way. Chalmers AI Research Centre supports the university’s researchers to increase Chalmers’ expertise and excellence in AI. Interested? Get in touch with us, and if you are a Chalmers researcher – join our faculty!

Genie - Gender Initiative for Excellence
Chalmers’ future success will rely on our ability to recruit and develop outstanding educators and researchers of both genders. We aim for a gender balanced faculty by analysing and improving our academic culture, procedures and leadership, and through recruitment and support of female faculty. We are investing SEK 300 million over ten years in gender equality work to make Chalmers more attractive and successful.
Scholarships and grants
As a Bachelor's or Master's students, PhD student or researcher (in Swedish) you can apply for various scholarships administered by Chalmers. Only students and researchers enrolled/employed at Chalmers are eligible to apply.
For more information please contact:
Birgitta Rorsman, phone 031-772 27 33
e-mail: birgitta.rorsman@chalmers.se