All students are covered by a personal injury insurance policy through Chalmers’ agreement with the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet). Students may also be covered by other insurance depending on their student status. For comprehensive insurance coverage, you must have accident insurance to cover other eventualities/leisure pastimes, as well as home insurance.
Kammarkollegiet is a Swedish public agency that provides different types of insurance policies for students in higher education. The rules may differ depending on your citizenship and whether you are an exchange student or a fee-paying student.
Ensure that your insurance provider is informed about your stay in Sweden. Since coverage for accidents, medical issues, and property insurance differs across countries, it is recommended that you determine what applies to your specific situation.
Personal injury insurance for all students
All students at Chalmers are covered by a basic protection, covering personal injury due to an accident and certain illnesses caused by infection. You are covered during school hours and while travelling directly between your place of residence and the university.
Further information about personal injury insurance from Kammarkollegiet.
Supplementary health insurance
How to submit a claim
- If you are injured or been a victim of crime, you must submit a claim to receive compensation. Each type of insurance has a unique report form and it is important to use the correct one.
These forms are available from the Kammarkollegiet website. - Complete the form and e-mail it to studentinsurance@chalmers.se to get it signed and stamped. Do not send a copy of your receipts or/and police report, only the claim form.
- Send the signed and stamped form to Kammarkollegiet, along with your receipts or/and police report. Your claim will be examined by Kammarkollegiet.
Insurance certificate
Sometimes, you may need to prove what type of insurance you have. If you are traveling abroad as part of a course, a master thesis work or an internship in correlation with your studies you need to contact your examiner, who will then request a certificate from studentinsurance@chalmers.se.
Please note that if you are doing an internship or work placement that does not grant academic credits as part of your education, the insurance and this certificate do not apply.