There is still a lot you need to think about after you have finished your degree project. Here, you will find everything you need to know about rules for e-publication and how to order printing if needed.
Degree projects published electronically are freely available and searchable
Degree projects are registered and published in the Chalmers ODR Student Theses service. As an author, you can decline electronic publication, but registration (searchable post without full text) is mandatory. For electronic publication of the full text, all the authors must have approved the publication contract on the work card by means of their signatures.
Both registration and e-publication are carried out by staff at the department. The degree project must be presented in accordance with specified templates and delivered in PDF format.
Chalmers’ libraries do not accept printed degree projects, with the exception of the Architecture and Civil Engineering Library, which does accept printed copies from the architecture programmes.
Via the link below, you can search and read published student theses.
Chalmers Open Digital Repository (ODR) Student Theses
Contact: research.lib@chalmers.se
If your degree project will be printed, your department will order the printing. If you order printing, you must submit a request with the camera-ready copy (print-ready files). The request must be signed by the Head of Department or equivalent, including their email address, the name of your supervisor(s), the title of the report/degree project and the author(s) (including their extension number and email). The request must also state the paying department or equivalent, the cost centre, reference code, project number, and the activity number if applicable. Submit the request with the camera-ready copy (print-ready files).
Please note that images must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Black-and-white images must be in grey scale. RGB is for images displayed on screen, not for printing.
Deliver as a PDF
If your work will be printed, it must be presented according to specified templates (see the design of degree projects) and delivered as a PDF file.
Visiting address: Betongvägen 9
Opening hours: 08.00-16.00