On this page you will find information on how to update your contact information, name and your temporary personal identity number.
Update your contact information
Update in Ladok
If you need to update your e-mail, address or phone number:
- Log into Ladok by using your CID (Chalmers ID) or the account (eduID) you used for universityadmissions.se
- Go to "My Pages - Contact details" to change your contact details
We recommend that you specify that you want to be contacted at an e-mail address that you read regularly.

Update at the Student Union
You also need to update your contact information at the Student Union. You can do that on their membership website:
Student Union membership website
Report a change of address in the population register
Once you have moved in order to study at Chalmers, you must be registered at the address where you live, i.e. where you sleep most nights.
Notification of moving after you are finished with your studies
Are you an international student? Please remember to notify "Skatteverket" - the Swedish Tax Agency if you move from Sweden after completing your studies.

Skatteverket (Swedish Population Register)
Use the e-service "Flyttanmälan" to report a change of address quickly and easily.
Update name and/or temporary personal identity number
For you who have a temporary personal identity number
To update your name and/or your temporary personal identity number with your new 12-digit Swedish personal identity number, you should log in to Chalmers Service Portal - Top Desk and fill in the form.
For you who have a Swedish personal identity number
To update your name in Ladok, for example your given name, you need to change it via the Swedish Tax Agency. Your name will be automatically updated in Ladok after the name change has been approved. Note! Your given name is shown in Ladok.