Before examination

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Students in classroom
We explain how examinations are conducted at Chalmers,

At Chalmers, it is compulsory to sign up for each examination, with exams taken anonymously. In the course synopsis, the examiner provides information about summative assessments, the dates of ordinary examinations and the first retake week, plus any aids permitted during examinations.

Signing up for examinations

To sit an exam, you must be registered on the course and have signed up for the exam. If you have not signed up for the exam, you will need to sit it at the next opportunity. You will not be admitted to the examination hall if you arrive without having signed up. No exceptions will be made. Please note that neither an administrator nor an examiner can sign you up after the registration deadline. Sign up for examinations in Ladok.

Modes of assessment

At the end of each course or module, your knowledge will be tested in the form of a summative assessment. The most common mode of assessment is a written examination. There may also be laboratory sessions involving documentation such as reports, oral presentations, project work or academic papers. Information about assessments are given at the beginning of each course.

Remember that you need to sign up for examinations!

Examination dates

Each study period concludes with a period of ordinary examinations. The academic year also includes several retake periods.

The academic year

Find examination dates

Search for scheduled examination sessions by typing in the course code or course name (or part of the course name).

Preparations and permitted aids during examinations

Below are some important things that you need to know in order to prepare before your examination. 

Digital examinations on campus (Inspera)

You will write digital exams on your laptop or on a computer in a computer room. The Chalmers system uses the Inspera Assessment cloud service for digital exams. Exactly as for an ordinary exam, you must sign up to write a digital exam. If you have not signed up for the examination session, you will have to sit the exam during the next session.

To use Inspera, you must download the Safe Exam Browser (SEB) to your computer from the demo exam. SEB is a locked browser that gives you access to Inspera, but nothing else on the internet. Once SEB is installed on your computer, Inspera will detect and calibrate your computer. When you open the exam in Inspera, it is downloaded locally to your computer and is uploaded to the cloud continuously during the exam.

At least seven calender days before your exam, you must test your computer by taking the demo exam by logging in and selecting Demo exams.

Inspera: digital assessment
Inspera: digital assessmentDigital exams are written on your laptop or on a computer in a computer room.

Adapted examinations for those requiring educational support

You can get an adapted examination if you have a valid Nais certificate, granting adaptation. You can for example get a time extension, permission to use a computer-based educational support program and/or permission to sit the exam individually or in a small group. 

You have to sign-up for the exams that you are going to take part in. You do this in Ladok for students.

Notifying the Examination Administration Office

  • If you will not be using some parts of the approved support in an exam, please inform:
  • If you have signed up but are prevented from taking an exam, please withdraw from the exam in Ladok for Students. If you are withdrawing fewer than 10 working days before the examination session, please also inform

Double examinations, re-examinations and number of examination sessions

It is possible to redo an examination and to take two examinations on the same day (double examinations).

During and after the examination session

Here you will find practical information about what happens on the examination day. How to find the examination hall, what applies in the hall, how you can prepare and other important things to know. We also describe what happens after the examination and when you can get your exam back.

Examinations at other universities

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