The continuous interests in terahertz wave applications have generated a strong need for reliable, room temperature operational and compact THz electronics. An example is front-end electronics and instrumentation for the European Meteorological Operational satellite programme (MetOp), with the plan to monitor the climate and to improve weather forecast. Our team has been involved in research and establishing space qualified THz components (Schottky and HBV), manufactured in the Nanofabrication facility at MC2.
The coupling of weak THz signals between the outer world and components (ICs) is challenging due to high loss and small dimensions at these frequencies. During 2017, we presented the design and characterisation of a broadband 0.75 – 1.1 THz waveguide-to-suspended-stripline transition at the international microwave symposium in Honolulu, Hawaii. Moreover, our work focus on heterogeneous integration of terahertz components on silicon and silicon-on-insulator platform as a way to realise more advanced terahertz circuits.
Part of the research is carried out in close collaboration with industry via the Chalmers GHz centre.