Entrepreneurship is an important part of everything we do at Chalmers, and it permeates our involvement with society. It is part of how we develop new ideas, how we tackle problems and how we look at the challenges of the future. Our students and employees combine hard-earned wisdom and experience with youthful hunger and imagination to create value for society.
Chalmers works closely with both industry and society at large. The exchange creates value in both directions. What really sets us apart is our unique spirit of entrepreneurship. For us, commitment and entrepreneurship mean openness, co-creation, and flexibility. This means tackling real issues, trying out brave new ideas and making a difference to the world. Being receptive to innovative thinking, wherever it may come from, and harnessing diverse talents to serve a common goal. These are skills that benefit everyone. For us, they are important tools and working methods, and at Chalmers, everywhere you look, you will see this in action.
At the heart of what we do
Research and education are at the heart of the University, and that is also where the roots are of our ability to influence society in a sustainable direction. With our world-class research as a starting point, we focus on creating innovations and developing new solutions that benefit everyone. Our researchers and lecturers have in-depth knowledge of their subjects and are passionate about sharing that knowledge.
The education we provide is characterised by the development of students’ entrepreneurial abilities. That education extends from compulsory elements of an introductory nature to elective courses for additional elements of entrepreneurship. For those who wish to obtain a degree with a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship, we offer Master’s programmes in these areas. Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship really stands out among the entrepreneurship programmes.
The School of Entrepreneurship gives our students a chance to sharpen their skills at the heart of the university environment. They work on real-life projects and are responsible for every step of the development from idea to market, offering invaluable experience of the real world of business. Students collaborate with researchers from all disciplines, resulting in a fantastically rich proving ground for entrepreneurial thinking.
Support to transform knowledge into benefit
There are several stakeholders within Chalmers who contribute to our innovative strength. With their commitment and entrepreneurship, those stakeholders strive to help researchers, teachers and students take their knowledge beyond the University’s boundaries and increase Chalmers’ impact on society.
The Chalmers Innovation Office provides support and advice to staff and students, and the Grants Office provides support in applications for externally funded research projects. Chalmers Ventures provides support and investment to develop new companies around Chalmers-related ideas and inventions while the Chalmers Industrial Technology Foundation and the Fraunhofer-Chalmers Centre for Industrial Mathematics offer support for expanded research collaboration and research-related development. The science parks bring together industry, public organisations and academia, focusing on common challenges. All these stakeholders support and develop Chalmers and contribute to ensuring that the University’s knowledge creates benefits in society.
The Chalmers campuses also have several environments that stimulate meetings and innovation, and which are imbued with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. These can include advanced research infrastructure, innovation labs, makerspaces and an entire village dedicated to sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation. Chalmers’ ambition in this area is simple: we want to be nothing less than the international benchmark for entrepreneurial universities.