Research methodology (for Human-Technology-Design)

Om kursen

The course aims to pass on knowledge of basic terms and concepts within research methodology, and to convey the full width of ways that research can be conducted. Furthermore, the course aims to train the doctoral candidates' ability to plan and conduct a research study.

The course consists of two parts: (A, 3 credits) seminar part with comprehensive and in-depth seminars and (B, 4.5 credits) practical part with a research study. The comprehensive seminars will convey the basic concepts within the themes and their interconnections, whilst the in-depth seminars will concentrate on specific aspects of the themes and present them in more detail. In the practical study, the candidate will execute a study according to the "mixed methods" approach.

Learning outcomes
On completion of the course the successful student should be able to:

Part A:
  • Comprehend the basic concepts of research methodology
  • Utilize the basic concepts to discuss and communicate both their own and other's research
  • Realize the meaning of the basic concepts when applied in research work
  • Describe a research procedure in a consistent and coherent manner, in such a way that it displays knowledge of the relations between different concepts in methodology; from overarching approach to choice of measurement, analysis method, and theoretical framework

Part B:
  • Plan a study according to "mixed methods"
  • Execute a study according to "mixed methods"
  • Analyse the results of "mixed methods" study
  • Draw conclusions from a "mixed methods" study

The course comprises seven themes in the area of research methodology;
  • Scientific approaches
  • Research in theory
  • Research in practice
  • Data and collection
  • Studies and experiments
  • Analysis and drawing conclusions
  • Presentation of results

Learning activities
Part A:
  • 14 seminars à 2.5 h
  • 8 home assignments (A1-A8)
  • Oral student presentation of assignment A1-A7

Part B:
  • Practical study (assignment B)
  • Oral student presentation of performed practical study

The grades given are Approved and Not Approved.

Assessment for part A (3 credits)
  • Participation in the seminars (80%)
  • Approved essays of assignments A1-A8
  • Approved oral presentation of assignment A

Assessment for part B (4,5 credits)
  • Approved oral presentation of assignment B
  • Approved project documentation assignment B

Mer information


  • John W Creswell (2013) Research Design - Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches Fourth edition
  • John W Creswell & Vicki L Plano Clark (2010) Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research Second Edition


Lars-Ola Bligård