PARAFAC for DOM fluorescence

Om kursen

PARAllel FACtor analysis (PARAFAC) is used to interpret natural organic matter (NOM) fluorescence when measured using excitation emission matrix (EEM) spectroscopy. PARAFAC resolves overlapping fluorescence signals into independent spectra representing different chemical components. When fluorescence signals conform to Beers Law, this process can lead to the identification and quantification of independently varying fluorophores. However, many practical and analytical hurdles stand between EEM datasets and their chemical interpretation. This course will provide instruction on best-practice application of PARAFAC to fluorescence datasets using the drEEM toolbox for MATLAB.

This course is offered through the PhD program in Water Environment Technology at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology. Participants who complete the course including submitting three assignments can obtain official credit (5 ETS points, Pass/Fail grade).

Topics to be covered
Flourescence and PARAFAC theory
Acquiring, importing av validating flourescence measurements
Data organisation
Checking, cleaning and preparing datasets
Inner filter correction
Modelling with PARAF
Diagnosing and validating PARAFAC models
An introductory MATLAB course or equivalent experience.

Obtaining course credit
To pass the course, you will need to submit three assignments by final deadline.

This is an online course consisting of recorded lectures and in person discussions on Zoom. Zoom meetings are held on Mondays 8-10 am and repeated at 4-6 pm (Stockholm Time), to enable participation by students in a wide range of time zones.

The course is offered in collaboration with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

Mer information

Enquiries: Kate Murphy


  • Murphy KR, Stedmon CA, Wenig P, Bro R. OpenFluor- an online spectral library of auto-fluorescence by organic compounds in the environment. Analytical Methods. 2014; 6(3):658-61.
  • Murphy KR, Stedmon CA, Graeber D, Bro R. Fluorescence spectroscopy and multi-way techniques. PARAFAC. Analytical Methods. 2013; 5(23):6557-66.


Teachers: Kathleen Murphy (Chalmers University of Technology), Urban Wünsch and Colin Stedmon (Danish Technical University)