På CBA bostadsdag på Chalmers 10 november delades för första gången CBA bostadspris för studenter ut. Ambitionen med priset är att stimulera och öka kännedomen om gott bostadsbyggande i Sverige. Bostadspriset 2022 tilldelades Elin Holm, Chalmers ACE.
Priset är nationellt och bostadsforskare och lärare från de fyra arkitektskolorna har valt ut ett exjobb från varje skola. Från dessa 4 projekt har en juryn bestående av lärare från arkitektskolorna på KTH, CTH, Umeå och LTH valt ut en vinnare.
Priset består av ett diplom och en prissumma på 15000kr för det vinnande förslaget. Juryn ser de övriga nominerade förslagen som andrapristagare och de belönas med 3000kr vardera. Exjobbspriset är årligen återkommande och delas i samband CBA bostadsdag i november.
Nominated master thesis project
SuperLine, a Framework for Domestic Urbanism
Student: Linnea Johansson
UMA Arkitektskolan, Umeå
Tutors: Tonia Carless, Daniel Movilla Vega, Mette Harder
The master thesis proposes a new framework for urbanism and housing architecture to be implemented in northern Sweden. Through a housing proposal and a superstructure alike, the master thesis: a) expands the notion of city as a spatial system in which architects design; b) offers a site-specific mode of dwelling along the coastal territory of Västerbotten; c) proposes a method of design for housing architecture and housing urbanism through replicable spatial, tectonic, and experiential investigations; and d) operates in contemporary forms of Swedish domesticity and displaces them, thus proposing an own intellectual position in the architectural debate on housing that is occurring in contemporary Sweden.
Facades, more than a wall
Student: Elin Holm
Chalmers ACE, Arkitektskolan, Göteborg
Tutors: Examiner Anna Braide, supervisor Jan Larsson
Nomination for 1 price
Elin Holms master thesis project explores the façade as a spatial element -- a design tool that manages and improves the spatial qualities, and the living environments inside the building, that takes the façade as an instrument of fine tuning the criteria that orchestrate the experience of space, such as sightlines through the living environment, influx of different nuances of light and vistas.
Holms master thesis project focusing on the facades of the residential building. From historical analysis of the development of the façade, from the late 1800s until the 2020s, Holm develop four concepts important for the architecture of the facade.: Spatial Extensions, Material and details, Interface and Urban Atmosphere.
The design tool is used by Holm in a design task – a residential building in the district of Kvillebäcken. Partly as a tool in the sketching process and partly as a description and justification of various design decisions. Holms has a strong connection to the architecture of the home. It's clear, very consistent and convincing.
The jury also sees Holm's work as an important contribution to the ongoing discussion about facades and style. Holm's thesis clearly shows that the façade is more than a style exercise. Holm highlights the knowledge of the task of façade architecture, its complexity and role in the cityscape.
AI : Architects’ Inferiority?
Student: Aloys Victor Heitz
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering
Tutors: Examiner Per-Johan Dahl, supervisor Gediminas Kirdeikis
Aloys Heitz’s thesis ”AI : Architects’ Inferiority? An exploration of the creative potential of machine learning algorithms” draws on a long trajectory – from Palladio to Le Corbusier, Frank Gehry and beyond -- of using the residential house as a tool for innovation within the discipline of architecture. Departuing from a critical approach on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in architectural design process, Heitz takes the residential house as object of inquiry to explore intersections between human and machine in the design of high-quality and socially robust residential spaces. The project demonstrates that architectural design can both critical and generative, expanding the disciplinary context while, at the same time, producing a housing project with high standards in spatial solutions, craft, and representation.
Caring about a Legacy of Care: Hökarängen
Student: Mark Gavigan
KTH, arkitektskolan, Stockholm
Supervisors Frida Rosenberg och Erik Stenberg
The thesis proposes a careful method of recharging and densifying a suburban district from the 1940’s in general and, specifically, manages the thorny issue how to add on to the tower block typology without destroying its architectural qualities. The project is a critique of the current practices of promoting and providing housing that only caters to the individual preferences of housing consumers and asks for a return to “democracy, community and social well-being”. The proposed participatory processes leading up to the drawn interventions are described through a series of photographs of exquisitely detailed models where the absence and presence of the inhabitants’ lives plays out. Though Mark is adept at digital modelling, the design of the project takes places in the making of the models, as a way of slowing down the method and filling it with the voices of the current and future inhabitants.