Kursplan fastställd 2019-09-30 av programansvarig (eller motsvarande).
- Engelskt namnStrategy creation and change
- KurskodTEK280
- Omfattning7,5 Högskolepoäng
- ÄgareMPMEI
- UtbildningsnivåAvancerad nivå
- HuvudområdeIndustriell ekonomi
- BetygsskalaTH - Fem, Fyra, Tre, Underkänd
Kurstillfälle 1
- Undervisningsspråk Engelska
- Anmälningskod 26118
- Max antal deltagare50
- Min. antal deltagare20
- Blockschema
- Sökbar för utbytesstudenterJa
Modul | LP1 | LP2 | LP3 | LP4 | Sommar | Ej LP | Tentamensdatum |
0108 Tentamen 7,5 hp Betygsskala: TH | 7,5 hp | 0 hp | 0 hp | 0 hp | 0 hp | 0 hp |
I program
- MPMEI - INNOVATIONSLEDNING, MASTERPROGRAM, Årskurs 1 (obligatoriskt valbar)
- Tobias Fredberg
- Biträdande professor, Entrepreneurship and Strategy, Teknikens ekonomi och organisation
Information saknasSärskild behörighet
För kurser på avancerad nivå gäller samma grundläggande och särskilda behörighetskrav som till det kursägande programmet. (När kursen är på avancerad nivå men ägs av ett grundnivåprogram gäller dock tillträdeskrav för avancerad nivå.)Undantag från tillträdeskraven: Sökande med en programregistrering på ett program där kursen ingår i programplanen undantas från ovan krav.
Kursspecifika förkunskaper
To be admitted to the course, students need to have taken courses in industrial management, work organization or business administration, for example courses TEK255 and TEK250. The course is a high level course designed for graduate students. Students are expected to be up to date with basic strategy concepts and models of organizations. Individuals that feel that such knowledge is lacking are expected to take necessary individual preparations in order to contribute in seminars and group work.
Decisions of scale, scope and direction - strategic decisions - are among the most important decisions made in an organisation. The process by which they are made, and the subsequent process of changing the organisation is the focus of this course. In this course, we want to provide an opportunity for students to create an understanding of the whole chain of strategic actions and decisions. Through incorporating different parts of the process, we create an area for systematic learning in areas that the academia tends to separate analytically (strategy analysis, strategy process, decision-making, market strategy, change management, communication managment). We aim to mix academic lectures and hand-in tasks with exercises, cases and lectures from industrial representatives, both from consultancies and major companies.
Lärandemål (efter fullgjord kurs ska studenten kunna)
In the course student should learn to:- Draw conclusions on the effects of strategy analysis for implementation
- Describe and analyze the connections between organization design and strategic effectiveness
- Make casual analysis of the effects of differentiation strategy on how the organization must work
- Make a congruence diagnosis of an organization as the basis for strategy implementation
- Describe and prescribe the process of creating strategic change and implementation
- Describe the conditions for and the effects of strategic decision making
The course will be structured around parts in the strategy process to give the students and understanding of how strategy unfolds. Lectures will be mixed with cases and presentations from consultants and industrial professionals. This course is designed for participant-centered learning and case oriented seminars and much emphasis is put on the work of students in teams. Students are required to be active in class seminars on the business cases throughout the course.The course will deal with the following areas:
- Market analysis and market strategy
- Strategic decision making
- Executing strategy
- Strategic change
- The process of organizational renewal
- The politics of change
- Communicating strategy
The course points to the strategic process of an organization and compromises three parts.(a) Strategy creation
(b) Strategy in the making (for example market strategy, decision making)
(c) Strategy implementation (for example change management, communication)
The course is actively promoting a view of strategy work in organization as a process and a practice unfolding as a market analysis, an organization review, and the implementation of formulated strategies. The course is structured around theoretical lectures, business case seminars invited guest lecturers from industry and team based work.
The literature will be decided upon the start of the course.Examination inklusive obligatoriska moment
The course will have examination by tests and individual- as well as group assignments in written and oral form. Depending on the number of students taking the course, the forms of examination may vary. Examination forms will be announced at the beginning of the course.Part of the grading basis for the course is participation on case seminars and presentation of case assignments.
Kursplanen innehåller ändringar
- Ändring gjord på tentamen:
- 2019-09-30: Digital tentamen Ändrat till digital tentamen av grunnet
[0108 Tentamen 7,5 hp] Ändrat till digital examination - 2019-09-30: Plats Plats ändrat från Hörsalar på hörsalsvägen till SB Multisal av grunnet
[2019-10-26 7,5 hp, 0108] - 2019-09-30: Digital tentamen Ändrat till digital tentamen av grunnet
[0108 Tentamen 7,5 hp] Ändrat till digital examination - 2019-09-20: Plats Plats ändrat från Johanneberg till M av grunnet
[2020-01-07 7,5 hp, 0108] - 2019-09-09: Plats Plats ändrat från Johanneberg till Hörsalar på hörsalsvägen av grunnet
[2019-10-26 7,5 hp, 0108]
- 2019-09-30: Digital tentamen Ändrat till digital tentamen av grunnet
- Ändring gjord på modul:
- 2019-09-30: Digital tentamen Ändrat till digital tentamen av grunnet
[0108 Tentamen 7,5 hp] Ändrat till digital examination
- 2019-09-30: Digital tentamen Ändrat till digital tentamen av grunnet
- Ändring gjord på kurstillfälle:
- 2019-04-24: Max antal deltagare Max antal deltagare ändrat från 100 till 50 av UBS
[Kurstillfälle 1]
- 2019-04-24: Max antal deltagare Max antal deltagare ändrat från 100 till 50 av UBS