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The purpose of the course damage and fracture mechanics is to give an overview of how to model and simulate problems involving material deterioration and fracture using finite element technology. This scientific area of solid mechanics is central in all our active fields. We mention: railway mechanics, process modeling of machining, crash modeling of composites, and material mechanics.
To describe material and structural deterioration, the course focuses on the generic concepts of continuum damage and fracture modeling based on the cohesive zone concept. From the kinematical viewpoint, material damage evolution is related to the development of continuous deformation, and discontinuous deformation development is related to the actual fracture process. Since damage and fracture mechanics are two correlated theories, the overall picture is outlined in the beginning of the course, and thereafter specific concepts are taken up. In the end of the course, proposals to unify the concepts continuum damage and cohesive zone development are discussed.
To describe material and structural deterioration, the course focuses on the generic concepts of continuum damage and fracture modeling based on the cohesive zone concept. From the kinematical viewpoint, material damage evolution is related to the development of continuous deformation, and discontinuous deformation development is related to the actual fracture process. Since damage and fracture mechanics are two correlated theories, the overall picture is outlined in the beginning of the course, and thereafter specific concepts are taken up. In the end of the course, proposals to unify the concepts continuum damage and cohesive zone development are discussed.
Mer information
Ragnar Larsson
031-772 5267
The course consists of a number of scientific topics related to damage and fracture modeling. In parts of these developments our group has been involved. Lecture notes will be provided. References to papers and books will be given. A detailed course outline will be provided in the pingpong system where papers references will be given. In particular, concerning the developments on continuum damage modeling we refer to the book [1].
[1] Jean Lemaitre and Rodrigue Desmorat, Engineering Damage Mechanics: Ductile, Creep, Fatigue and Brittle Failures, Springer 2005.
Ragnar Larsson