Activities with Upprymd
Upprymd is a student network at Chalmers in astronomy, space and science communication.
Do you want to help spread excitement about space and astronomy to schools and the general public?
Upprymd has been running since 2021. Come and join us!
Take part in workshops and assignments:
- Workshops: training in astronomy, space and science communication; contact with space researchers at Chalmers and at Onsala Space Observatory
- Assignments: guiding at the observatory in Onsala, schools visits, online Q&As, etc; (you get payment for working with assignments)
Follow Upprymd on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Upprymd
To sign up, email Teresa Margheri teresa.margheri@chalmers.se
Teresa Margheri
- Doctoral Student, Astronomy and Plasma Physics, Space, Earth and Environment