What is it like to work at one of the world’s largest and most innovative companies in the entertainment industry?
Software engineer Olof Johansson, who leads a technical department at Netflix in Silicon Valley, knows the answer.
– My team at Netflix is building and operating a large data system to analyze and transform various types of media. For example, we store and package audio and video for different purposes, ensuring that we deliver the best quality to all our Netflix subscribers when they hit play. We collaborate closely with other teams and developers who, in turn, create algorithms to continually enhance media processing. Other teams use our data system to access content they need, whether it’s finding sequences from an action film to showcase on the streaming service or discovering clips suitable for social media content.
What’s a typical day like for you?
– There are no typical days for us, but usually, one half of the team works remotely, and the other half works in the office. The team consists of people from all over the world and from different backgrounds. In the morning, I try to complete tasks related to coding. Then there are many coordination meetings with other teams where we discuss how to improve the platform and what we need to focus on in the future. I try to work on something operational and delve into development projects for a few hours each day.
It was a lovely and stimulating environment on campus, and you had a feeling that nothing was impossible when you solved problems together
What’s the best thing about your job?
– It’s primarily about solving the significant technical challenges that exist here, but also about working together with like-minded individuals. There’s a drive and willingness to move forward and improve things collectively. We often need to collaborate with other departments to achieve a larger goal and work in the same direction. It feels like we’ve only just begun, and the possibilities are endless, even though I’ve been working here since 2016.
What did you learn at Chalmers?
– I have gotten a steady foundation in problem-solving and critical thinking. We also worked a lot in groups on various projects, which has been a great advantage in what I do now. Sometimes you got a difficult task and didn’t understand much at first, but instead of panicking, you learned to handle it with a good attitude and to try different methods to reach your goal. In the working life, you continue to face difficult situations, but you have the tools and methods to break down the problems and find solutions together.
What was your student life like?
– I moved from Linköping to study at Chalmers in Gothenburg. I didn’t know anyone when I got there, but during the reception, I met friends with whom I had an incredibly fun time throughout my studies. It was a lovely and stimulating environment on campus, and you had a feeling that nothing was impossible when you solved problems together. Those friends are still with me today. Last summer, we met with all our partners and children. At Chalmers, you build relationships that become important even later in life.
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Systems, control and mechatronics, MSc
Gain the skills and competences to prepare for a professional career focused on the engineering of complex, computer-controlled products, and systems. With such systems already in great demand in a vast range of possible applications, the need for highly trained engineers like you is great. This master’s programme will give you a broad systems engineering base, suited to the design and understanding of complex, computer-controlled products and systems. Systems engineering enjoys a rich history in Sweden and longstanding collaborations with leading industrial partners make Chalmers the perfect choice to study this rapidly evolving field of engineering.