CHI, Collaborative platform for Healthcare Improvement, gathers research and education within the improvement, innovation and transformation of health care. Together with healthcare staff, CHI actively participates in development projects and strives for patient-focused, efficient and safe care. CHI conducts research, education and utilization.
The Centre is based at the Department of Technology Management and Economics at Chalmers, with its expertise within disciplines such as quality sciences, logistics, production planning, innovation and organizational learning.
The aim is to work together with healthcare organizations, and together create, transform and diffuse research-based and action-oriented knowledge. This way, CHI also wants to contribute to professional development within the healthcare sector’s management and development. To reach this goal, CHI focuses on two parts – research and education.
CHI is connected to Chalmers' Health Engineering Area of Advance.
Research for a better healthcare
We have a number of different research projects within CHI. In many of them a central basis and common denominator is to find forms for successful improvement work towards a more patient-orientated, efficient and safe medical service.
In our projects, we aim for a cross-professional staff and a joint knowledge generation between different knowledge domains, for example technology, medicine, management and healthcare science.
If you have questions about our research or ideas for research projects – please contact Andreas Hellström, see contact information below.
Publications by CHI researchers are available at research.chalmers.se.
Education for healthcare
CHI is running a number of courses for managers and leaders within healthcare. Read more about the courses through Chalmers' Contract education (in Swedish only).
Contact CHI

- Project Leader, Project and Centre Management, Technology Management and Economics

- Senior Lecturer, Innovation and R&D Management, Technology Management and Economics
Postal address
Chalmers tekniska högskola AB
Teknikens ekonomi och organisation
412 96 Göteborg
Visiting address
Vera Sandbergs allé 8, Göteborg
Map (opens in new window)