The research group Sustainable and Virtual Production Systems work on designing production systems and utilizes virtual tools to analyze and increase performance in production system contexts.
The research within the group aims at applied science by developing methods and tools which utilizes discrete event simulation, 3D visualization, scanning, augmented reality, data analysis, layout planning etc. to analyze and evaluate economics, environmental impacts, social interactions and situation awareness in a production system context.
The specific production systems range over many stages of a product's life cycle such as raw material extraction, transportation, manufacturing, use phase, service, recycling, end of life treatment etc. The production system could also be in different industrial settings such as automotive, battery production, food production, system providers, robotics, discrete parts manufacturing, chemical processes, recycling, aerospace industry etc.
The research group

- Full Professor, Production Systems, Industrial and Materials Science

- Associate Professor, Production Systems, Industrial and Materials Science

- Postdoc, Production Systems, Industrial and Materials Science

- Postdoc, Production Systems, Industrial and Materials Science

- Doctoral Student, Production Systems, Industrial and Materials Science

- Doctoral Student, Production Systems, Industrial and Materials Science

- Doctoral Student, Production Systems, Industrial and Materials Science

- Doctoral Student, Production Systems, Industrial and Materials Science

- Doctoral Student, Production Systems, Industrial and Materials Science

- Doctoral Student, Production Systems, Industrial and Materials Science