WACQT May review meeting 14-16 May 2024

All WACQT members are invited to the yearly May-meeting, the purpose of which is to review the activities in the centre, and to gather all the WACQT members to meet and discuss.

Our scientific advisory board will attend the presentations and poster sessions, talk to people (incl a lunch with senior PhD students and postdocs) and give feedback to the Board and Centre PIs on the activities in WACQT. This is also a great chance to meet and get to know other researchers in the Centre.

In addition to the professional content, there will be social activities and dinners. 

Presentations, fikas and lunches are offered to all members of WACQT. The activities and dinners and offered to WACQT employees*. Master students can stand by for cancelled slots. 

This year the venue will be Chalmers Conference Centre at Chalmersplatsen, Göteborg. 
>> Find your way


Due to a major exhibition in the city, you may want to book a hotel asap. We have reserved some rooms at a few different hotels, but probably not enough for everyone. Some of the rooms are twin rooms, for easy sharing.

If you wish help to get a room, please tick this option. We will confirm your accommodation within max five days after your registration, normally sooner. Priority is given to people staying for the full meeting.

Payment is made by the guest directly to the hotel and by ticking the request for a room, you will be accountable for the assigned room, unless it can be cancelled or assigned to another participant. Please don’t get cold feet because you think you need to go through your own university’s agreements. It is accepted to use the agreement of a fellow university.

Logistics in Gothenburg

For people from universities outside Gothenburg, we will provide 72-hour passes for trams and buses with Västtrafik. If you stay at a hotel that we have booked for you, they will be available at the reception. Otherwise, they can be picked up at the venue on the first morning. The closest stop to the venue is Chalmers, from where you can see the entrance.

The easiest way to plan your trips is via the app ToGo.


Most participants will have lunch in the foyer outside Palmstedtsalen. If participating in evaluation lunches with the Board, IAB or SAB, lunch is served at the restaurant Hyllan.
Some PhD students and postdocs will be invited for lunch with an SAB member of their own pillar, in order to provide our SAB with insight into the Centre activities and for a much-appreciated chance to discuss science in a small group with our well-renowned professors.

Picture: M/S S:t Erik in Gothenburg archipelago
M/S S:t Erik in Gothenburg archipelago. Photo Kjell Holmner


Dinner 14th May is at Wijkanders as usual, the favourite restaurant at Chalmers campus, Vera Sandbergs allé 5B

Dinner 15th May is served on M/S St. Erik, somewhere in the beautiful archipelago and we return around sunset. Departure from “Lilla Bommen”, 7 minutes’ walk from the tramstop “Lilla Bommen”.

Afternoon activities

A fairly short bus tour with a double visit to:

Nilsson’s electrical museum, which is a unique private collection turned into a small museum, where a group of enthusiasts have renovated and exhibit old electric and electronical equipment, like the telephone operator’s board, the first kind of washing machine and an electron oven; the precursor to the microwave oven.

They also have a unit for old, but renovated motors which they will start, so you can not only see but also hear (and smell!) history.

picture from Nilssons electrical museum
Nilsson's electrical museum
picture from Hillefors kvarn
Picture from Hillefors kvarn

Hillefors oat mill, probably the only preserved water-powered oat mill in Europe, restored to functionality by enthusiasts. The technique dates back to around 1850 and after a film and a guided tour, they will start up the whole mill, so you get to see the production process live, through the multistorey mill building.

(Pls note, this place is not very accessible if you have problems with stairs).

Lab tour

In the last morning before the talks, a lab tour is offered at MC2, where the core project of WACQT and the Quantum computing pillar has its centre. Join the lab tour to see:

  1. Quantum computing lab: Discrete variables, continuous variables and testbed
  2. MC2 Clean room, nano fabrication laboratory

Both tours will start at MC2, Kemivägen 9.

checklistLab tour WACQT May meeting 2024 (Opens in new tab)
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PhD students/posters

All PhD students are kindly requested to present a poster about their project, size A0, portrait.

Ideally, reserve a little space for a popular science “pitch” about what you do, like you would explain it to a high-school kid. We would much appreciate your portrait picture next to your name on the poster. Please also put a coloured 5x5 cm square in the upper right corner to identify your pillar. **

Posters can be attached in the room Scania, respecting your assigned poster number in the poster list, in the first morning from 09.30 - 09.55 or 18.05 - 18.20.

If you are one of the invited PhD speakers or joined since last May-meeting, you can choose whether to bring a poster. Please make a note in the Title field – “will not bring a poster”, so we know we got your reply.


Take a look at the May meeting 2024 schedule. It may be subject to change. 


Please, do register in time! Last day for registration is 26 March.
Consult your confirmation email if you are uncertain about what you signed up for. The sender is "WACQT May review meeting 2024"

Register at this link

Linda’s phone number: 0046 (0)31 772 63 49.


* In this case you are a member if you got the invitation first hand from Linda Brånell or one of the ten Centre management PIs. You are considered an employee if you also meet any of the below criteria:

  • You are sponsored by WACQT.
  • You supervise PhD students and/or postdocs sponsored by WACQT
  • You are a PhD student involved in the WACQT graduate school’s activities, even if your salary is paid by other funding
  • You are an appointed member of the Board, Scientific advisory board or Industrial advisory board
  • You are also invited to all parts of the event if you represent an industrial partner of WACQT

** Red for quantum computing experiment
Blue for quantum computing theory
Dark green for quantum sensing, metrology and control
Dark/visible yellow for quantum communication
(The square can be a loose piece of paper).