The objective of the Swedish Graduate School in Quantum Technologies is to foster the next generation of Swedish quantum researchers and quantum engineers. Over the duration of WACQT, the graduate school will fund 90 PhD studentships, of which at least 30 are industrial PhD students.
The Graduate School has developed a hands-on course based on four lab sessions at Linköping, Lund, KTH and Chalmers, where the students also get an overview of the local research in Quantum Technology. This was given for the first time in autumn 2019 and will be given bi-annually. This facilitates developing a common language among the students, multi-disciplinary skills, and a strong sense of belonging to the community of Swedish quantum technology researchers and engineers.
Additionally, the faculty funded by the program will develop several specialised courses that are elective for all students of the Graduate School, the first one being a course on Advanced Quantum Algorithms developed by Giulia Ferrini and Anton Frisk Kockum at Chalmers, given for the first time in winter 2019. The lectures were recorded and are available at the course homepage. The research school also supports local existing courses within quantum technology, to ensure their quality.
We trust that WACQT’s Graduate School will give PhD students in WACQT ample opportunities to interact with fellow students and international experts. Namely via
- WACQT May meeting
- Biennial Summer school
- Biennial lab course
- Biennal field trips to quantum technology nodes.
The Graduate School collaborates with both WACQT Guest Researcher Programme and EDI-WACQT around events and talks.
In the same vein, the postdocs recruited to WACQT have the opportunity to follow the relevant graduate school courses and are encouraged to participate in the summer schools and winter conferences.
To learn more about the Swedish Graduate School in Quantum Technologies, please contact Professor Peter Samuelsson, director of studies.