At the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences, a large part of our research, collaboration and education is conducted in Chalmers' world-class simulators and laboratories.
Welcome to Chalmers' laboratories and simulators!
There are several laboratories at Campus Johanneberg: the vibration laboratory, the combustion engine technology laboratory, three wind tunnels, the prototype laboratory and the mechatronics laboratory. On campus Lindholmen there are several simulators: the Nautical Operations Studio, Cargo Operations Studio, GMDSS Simulator, Engine Operations Simulator, Bridge Operations Simulator, Scrubber, DB Simulator.

Vibration laboratory
The laboratories Vibration and Smart Structures lab are used both for research and educational purposes. Research topics investigated in the labs cover a wide range of vibration related subjects, from calibration and validation of computational models to measured data to energy harvesting, with applications within wind power and automotive industries, for example.

Laboratory for Sustainable Transport Solutions
Through a hydrogen infrastructure in the laboratory for sustainable transport solutions, we are able to conduct experimental research on hydrogen cars, engines, hydrogen jets and fuel cell systems, among other things.

Laboratory of fluids and thermal science
The Chalmers laboratory of fluids and thermal sciences is a Chalmers infrastructure hosting a world-class lab with a complete set of hardware resources for leading-edge experimental research in fluid dynamics and heat transfer. The lab general mission is to be an internationally attractive node, which provides professional skills and research equipment to a broad community of academic institutions and companies.

At Maritiman our students can test their theoretical knowledge on a practical level, and implement practical steps required by the Swedish Transport Agency. Start-up of vessels, removal and installation of modern internal combustion engines are included, as well as basic electrical operations.

The prototype laboratory
The Prototype Laboratory is a living environment. The machinery whines, hiss and hammer while teams of loud voices decide on the next step of a process. Students from such areas as Mechanical Engineering, Automation & Mechatronics, Applied Design and their corresponding Master’s programmes get some of their education in our Prototype Lab.

The mechatronics laboratory
For those of you who want to discover the product developer within yourself and who are quick to reach for the soldering iron in this inspiring environment, there are several alternatives. Both courses and Bachelor’s projects in Automation must be taught and completed here.
Chalmers' maritime simulators
At Campus Lindholmen there is Sweden's most extensive simulator center for education and research in shipping.

Full mission bridge simulator
In our Full Mission Bridge Simulator, it is possible to do a complete simulation of the operations performed on a real ship. Maneuvering takes place in different weather and environments, including in restricted areas.

Cargo Operations Studio
Cargo Operations Studio cargo simulator develops training and loading studies for boarding, terminal and land-based occupations. With the help of modern technology, the reality is rebuilt with regard to technical interfaces for loading and unloading, the journey's implementation and market, as well as communication interfaces between the ship, operator, customer and supplier.

Nautical Operations Studio
Our Nautical Operations Studio (NOS) consists of six Kongsberg desktop vessels, with four 24-inch screens, two for visual and nautical instruments, and two that can be started as radar or ECDIS. One bridge is used as the instructor and on the other five stations the the instructor program can also be run to build or run exercise locally on each bridge.

Global Maritime Distress Safety System Simulator
Our GMDSS simulator (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) provides opportunities for students to learn how to handle all GMDSS equipment for ROC and GOC-equipped vessels. Calling procedures, emergency and security procedures are practiced with different communication games.

Engine operations simulator
The engineers spend a lot of time here to train the operation of the engine room's different systems. The simulator is also used in other areas of education, such as language, control technology, thermodynamics and flow theory and more.

Bridge Operations Simulator
Our bridge simulator from Kongsberg consists of five identical docks. Here are courses in navigation, radar navigation and anti-collision navigation using ARPA, ECDIS and maneuvering.

Dynamic positioning
Dynamic positioning (DP) is widely used in the Offshore industry to carry out advanced operations for a long time, requiring high position accuracy.