Fluid Dynamics

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Turbulent flows and turbomachinery

Our mission is to gain fundamental knowledge about turbulent incompressible and compressible, single and multiphase flows through numerical and experimental research. We develop new and improved computational and experimental techniques for the study of such flows in both fundamental and real-world environments.

Our applied research is carried out in close cooperation with industry, both in national and in international projects.

A large part of our teaching activity is carried out within our International Master's programme in Applied Mechanics and Mobility Engineering (Aerospace track). In these programs, we offer courses covering a wide range of topics, including turbulence modelling, experimental fluid dynamics, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), multiphase flow, heat transfer, turbomachinery, aerospace propulsion, aircraft design, and aerospace projects including drone technology.

Employees at the Division of Fluid Dynamics

Our research areas

Applied Fluid Dynamics

We are working in fluid dynamics, mostly incompressible. We are doing numerical and experimental research on single-phase and multi-phase flows. Our research leads among other things to efficient fuel cells, pulp processing units, thermochemical conversion processes, badminton shuttles, improved air and water quality and hydro power plants with longer life expectancy.

Turbomachinery and Aeroacoustics

The group is working mainly within the area of turbomachinery applications, in particular for aero engine applications. In this research area we focus primarily on system analysis and engine concept evaluation, and detailed flow and acoustics analysis for specific sub-problems such as compressors, turbines, transition ducts, intercoolers, combustors/afterburners and nozzles. 

Turbulence modeling

Research focusing on the calculation of fluid flow and heat convective transfer using finite volume calculations.

Fluid Dynamics Workshop

On June 3, 2024, the division held a workshop. Below you find the agenda and most of the presentations from the event