Evenemanget har passerat

Examenspresentation av Andreas Zetterlund och Jordan Harvey

Titel: A study on the design and use of controllers to substitute human pilots to asses aircraft flight qualities in simulation


Evenemanget har passerat

Jonas Persson
Jonathan Åkesson
Hannes Pfitzner

In this project, an autopilot able to perform a defined set of maneuvers has been developed and evaluated. The autopilot was developed to be used as a tool to gain insight into the flight qualities of an aircraft in simulation without the need for a test pilot. A baseline version was developed using cascaded PID controllers before a model-based approach was created using LQI controllers. A method of automatically testing all the operational conditions of the aircraft was developed together with a post-processing tool to quickly evaluate and warn the user of a non-satisfactory flight test. The autopilot proved able to take off, land, and perform a rolling maneuver with and without one of four motors inoperable as well as in some cases handle wind disturbance. The model-based approach proved capable of handling changes in the aircraft model without the need to tune or adjust the controllers. The autopilot was able to provide repeatable and meaningful results over a large number of cases, however, did not fully remove the need for a test pilot.

Andreas, Jordan and Jonas