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Adjungerad professorsföreläsning av Gunilla Kjellby Wendt

Titel: Adaptive physiotherapy- future possibilities and challenges


Evenemanget har passerat

During this presentation, Gunilla Kjellby Wendt, will give an introduction to and development of rehabilitation and specifically its component, physiotherapy. Our society faces a major challenge with increasingly elderly residents and a healthcare system that can save and help more and more seriously ill people.
A continuous development of reliable and valid outcome measures which are sensitive to change, and effective interventions is needed including the patients´ perspective but also the advantages of digitalized health care. This will be illustrated in this presentation as well as examples of paradigm shifts in treatment and rehabilitation.

In conclusion, with the ongoing transformation of rehabilitation and healthcare the future and possibilities of adaptive physiotherapy will be addressed.

Gunilla Kjellby Wendt
Head of the department of Occupational therapy and physiotherapy at Sahlgrenska University hospital

The lecture will be held at Lecture hall EB and also be broadcasted by TEAMS (see attached link).
