Kursplan för Inköp och strategisk leverantörsamarbete

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Kursplan fastställd 2022-05-02 av programansvarig (eller motsvarande).


  • Engelskt namnPurchasing and supply management
  • KurskodTEK416
  • Omfattning7,5 Högskolepoäng
  • ÄgareMPSCM
  • UtbildningsnivåAvancerad nivå
  • HuvudområdeIndustriell ekonomi
  • BetygsskalaTH - Mycket väl godkänd (5), Väl godkänd (4), Godkänd (3), Underkänd

Kurstillfälle 1

  • Undervisningsspråk Engelska
  • Anmälningskod 37119
  • Max antal deltagare65
  • Min. antal deltagare10
  • Blockschema
  • Sökbar för utbytesstudenterJa
  • Endast studenter med kurstillfället i programplan.


0116 Tentamen 7,5 hp
Betygsskala: TH
7,5 hp0 hp0 hp0 hp0 hp0 hp
  • 25 Okt 2021 fm J DIG
  • 05 Jan 2022 fm J DIG
  • 19 Aug 2022 fm J DIG

I program


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Grundläggande behörighet för avancerad nivå
Sökande med en programregistrering på ett program där kursen ingår i programplanen undantas från ovan krav.

Särskild behörighet

Engelska 6
Sökande med en programregistrering på ett program där kursen ingår i programplanen undantas från ovan krav.

Kursspecifika förkunskaper

Kursen är obligatorisk för studenter på masters programmet Supply Chain Management. Andra elever kan godtas om
- det finns lediga platser, och
- de också följer TEK119 Distribution networks (ges under samma läsperiod)


An increasing portion of the total spending of manfuacturing- and service-based organisations resides outside their boundaries, and hence their direct control. Their cost efficiency, ability to innovate, and value propositions to customers depend upon the way purchasing processes are organised, and on relationships with suppliers. As consequence, a key foundation of success is the way an organisation manages its relationship with external suppliers of goods and services. The aim of this course is to provide students with an appreciation and understanding of key principles and theories of purchasing and supply management, and the role of this in the particular organisation. This takes place in a wider context of global complex supply chains.

Lärandemål (efter fullgjord kurs ska studenten kunna)

Knowledge, understanding and subject specific skills. Having successfully completed this course, students will be able to demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand established principles, theories and practices of purchasing and supply management, critically evaluate these, and link to various aspects of performance (financial measures as well societal aspects).
2. Understand the role of purchasing and supply management in the organisation, in relation to other supply chain management processes, and the focal company in the context of its wider supply network.
3. Understand and explain purchasing management processes, supply strategies and supplier relationships in various contexts.
4. Analyse and critically assess robustness of supply strategies.
5. Relate supply strategy to externalities such as scarcity of natural resources, climate change, ethcial and environmental issues and costs
Transferable skills. Through the teaching and learning activites, students are furthermore expected to:
6. Demonstrate the ability to persuade, convince and argue effectively.
7. Manage time and tasks effectively in the context of individual study and group work activities and take responsibility for carrying out agreed tasks
8. Prepare and make effective business presentations, individually and in teams
9. Communicate in writing or orally (ideas, knowledge, arguments or proposals) with brevity and clarity
10. Demonstrate motivation and initiative through establishing familiarity with the business community, in particular the types of industries, managers and decisions that relate to purchasing and supply management.


This course adapts the following definition of purchasing management:
Purchasing management refers to all activities necessary to manage supplier relationships in such a way that their activities are aligned with the company's overall business strategies and interests. It is focused on structuring and continuously improving purchasing processes within the organization and between the organization and its suppliers (van Weele, 2010:11). The term supply management underlines the inter-organisational nature of these tasks as well as their potential strategic impact. The various teaching and learning activities address the following:
  • Role and relevance of purchasing in the 21st century organisation
  • Organising for effective purchasing performance
  • Make-or-buy (outsourcing)
  • Sourcing strategies (including products vs. services)
  • Managing various types of supplier relationships
  • Supplier selection, assessment and development
  • Total cost of ownership
  • Supplier interfaces
  • Supply chain risk and disruptions
  • Carbon footprint, codes of conduct, and triple bottom line (economic, social and environmental aspects)
  • Implications of Internet-based marketplaces for purchasing
  • Purchasing in different industrial settings
  • Supply chain theory


The course will be delivered as a series of presentations and discussion sessions of theoretical concepts, their managerial implications for managers and relationships with other areas of supply chain management.


Core textbook(s) in purchasing and supply management complemented by journal articles available through on-line databases at Chalmers library. See more detailed outline and list of readings on the course web page before the course starts. Students are expected to take active part in all learning and teaching activities, and to be active in class-discussions, group work, and to individually prepare for each session.

Examination inklusive obligatoriska moment

Written work (group, individual), guest lectures and presentations.
Each compulsory course elements must be passed to pass the course overall.

Kursens examinator får examinera enstaka studenter på annat sätt än vad som anges ovan om särskilda skäl föreligger, till exempel om en student har ett beslut från Chalmers om pedagogiskt stöd på grund av funktionsnedsättning.

Kursplanen innehåller ändringar

  • Ändring gjord på modul:
    • 2022-05-02: Digital tentamen Ändrat till digital tentamen av Emilio
      [0116 Tentamen 7,5 hp] Ändrat till digital examination
  • Ändring gjord på tentamen:
    • 2022-05-02: Digital tentamen Ändrat till digital tentamen av Emilio
      [0116 Tentamen 7,5 hp] Ändrat till digital examination
    • 2022-05-02: Digital tentamen Ändrat till digital tentamen av Emilio
      [0116 Tentamen 7,5 hp] Ändrat till digital examination