Kursplan för Project management

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Kursplan fastställd 2020-02-18 av programansvarig (eller motsvarande).


  • Engelskt namnProject management
  • KurskodIBB137
  • Omfattning7,5 Högskolepoäng
  • ÄgareMPSCM
  • UtbildningsnivåAvancerad nivå
  • HuvudområdeIndustriell ekonomi
  • BetygsskalaTH - Mycket väl godkänd (5), Väl godkänd (4), Godkänd (3), Underkänd

Kurstillfälle 1

  • Undervisningsspråk Engelska
  • Anmälningskod 37122
  • Max antal deltagare90
  • Blockschema
  • Sökbar för utbytesstudenterJa


0120 Projekt 3 hp
Betygsskala: UG
0 hp3 hp0 hp0 hp0 hp0 hp
0220 Tentamen 4,5 hp
Betygsskala: UG
0 hp4,5 hp0 hp0 hp0 hp0 hp
  • Kontakta examinator
  • Kontakta examinator
  • Kontakta examinator

I program


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Kurstillfälle 2

  • Undervisningsspråk Engelska
  • Anmälningskod 37123
  • Max antal deltagare90
  • Blockschema
  • Sökbar för utbytesstudenterJa


0120 Projekt 3 hp
Betygsskala: UG
0 hp0 hp0 hp3 hp0 hp0 hp
0220 Tentamen 4,5 hp
Betygsskala: UG
0 hp0 hp0 hp4,5 hp0 hp0 hp
  • Kontakta examinator
  • Kontakta examinator
  • Kontakta examinator

I program


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Grundläggande behörighet för avancerad nivå
Sökande med en programregistrering på ett program där kursen ingår i programplanen undantas från ovan krav.

Särskild behörighet

Engelska 6
Sökande med en programregistrering på ett program där kursen ingår i programplanen undantas från ovan krav.

Kursspecifika förkunskaper

Managerial Economics TEK255 or equivalent
Industrial Management TEK250 or equivalent


The course aims to provide basic and advanced knowledge and analytical understanding about how projects can be managed in different industrial settings.

Lärandemål (efter fullgjord kurs ska studenten kunna)

At the end of the course students will be able to:
- Describe basic project management concepts and tools
- Apply project management theories to analyze complex industrial project environments and based on this suggest appropriate ways to plan and execute projects
- Frame, analyze and solve managerial problems in project settings showing an advanced analytical understanding of project management.
- Formulate, plan, execute and terminate projects of a not too complicated nature.


The course is about concepts, methods and contexts, where tasks and resources are managed in project form rather than in a traditional hierarchical organizational form.
Project is becoming the dominant method to handle daily work, improvements and innovation in most industrial settings. For that reason, project management skills and analytical understanding are crucial for most undergraduate and graduate students, especially engineering students.
The course contains both a basic and an advanced component. The basic component provides an understanding about basic concepts and management methods related to project work. The advanced component is based on up-to-date research about complex dynamics and challenges affecting projects, such as self-organizing teams and goal-seeking project environments, political processes and company culture, corporate social responsibility and stakeholder management in projects, collaborations with suppliers and clients in development projects, or knowledge integration and knowledge transfer from project to project.
Many of the course’s themes and topics take their starting point in innovation and development projects.


The course has three main components: lectures, seminars, and a project work performed in groups. The literature seminars requires active participation and preparation. The project work in groups is an assignment to describe and analyze a real-life business project. The project work requires active individual participation in the group work for each part of the process.


The course literature will be decided at the start of the course.

Examination inklusive obligatoriska moment

The course is examined in two parts:
1. Written Exam (4.5 hp) is an examination covering both basic and advanced topics, graded U/3/4/5.
2. Project Work (3 hp) is a written assignment, graded U/G.

The overall course grade is based on the sum of the marks of the above modules, graded U/3/4/5. See more detailed information in the Course PM (available at the latest one week before the start of the course).

Kursplanen innehåller ändringar

  • Ändring gjord på kurstillfälle:
    • 2020-09-30: Examinator Examinator Ingrid Johansson Mignon (mignon) tillagt av Viceprefekt
      [Kurstillfälle 2]
    • 2020-09-29: Examinator Examinator Ingrid Johansson Mignon (mignon) tillagt av Viceprefekt
      [Kurstillfälle 1]