Welcome to us at Chalmers. Congratulations on your decision to join us, we hope you will enjoy it. Students from all over the world study here in an international study environment. Below we have compiled important information that you need to get started with your time of study in the best possible way.
New student at Chalmers
The information applies to all new students, regardless of whether you are starting a programme or a freestanding course.
If you are an incoming exchange student, please go to the page Accepted incoming exchange student for more information.
By starting studies at Chalmers, you commit to follow and respect the school's Code of conduct.

Welcome to Chalmers Servicecenter in the Student Union building!
Do you have a question and do not know where to turn? Welcome to visit Chalmers Servicecenter for help.
Student health and insurance

Wellbeing during your studies
Here, we have compiled information for you if you are a student at Chalmers and need various kinds of health-related help and support.

Insurance for students
All students are covered by a personal injury insurance policy through Chalmers’ agreement with the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet). Students may also be covered by other insurance depending on their student status. For comprehensive insurance coverage, you must have accident insurance to cover other eventualities/leisure pastimes, as well as home insurance.