Lightweight Structures

The research group of Lightweight Structures focuses on the structural behaviour and performance of steel and timber structures as well as structures and structural elements made of composite materials. The groups research activities cover both the design of new structures and the rehabilitation of existing structures.

Steel and composite Structures

In the field of steel and composite structures, the main research efforts have been directed towards bridges. With reference to existing bridges, the group has focused on developing advanced structural assessment methods, new strengthening and repair techniques and methods for prolonging the service life of existing structures. The use of high-performance materials such as stainless steel and high-strength steels along with innovative design concepts and new production technologies has also been a major focus of the group to meet the increasing demands on economic and environmental sustainability in new construction.

Timber Structures

Building with timber is one of the key elements to achieve a more sustainable built environment and shift the construction sector towards lower carbon emissions. The group main research focus includes areas related to high-performance timber structures and the behaviour and design of complex timber elements and joints. In particular, structural performance is related to aspects such as safety, reliability, robustness.


Research topics within Lightweight Structures

  • Advanced assessment methods for fatigue-loaded steel structures
  • Methods and techniques for prolonging the service life of welded steel structures
  • New production methods and innovative structural elements and components
  • Optimization of steel structures
  • Reliable and efficient modern timber structures by consideration of the non-linear behaviour of high-performance timber connections
  • Novel wood panel for efficient and healthy built environment
  • Design for Adaption for resource efficient timber structures
  • Roadmap towards adaptability of timber buildings
  • Next-generation 3D-printable hybrid composite bio-based building materials


Research methodology

Most research projects in the Lightweight group rely on combining numerical and analytical methods with experimental investigations. Many research topics, such as timber connections and fatigue of welded details, relatively large experimental programs are needed, for example to attain well-formulated design models with account taken for aspects such as safety and reliability. Numerical models are also employed – often in connection to tests – in order to extend the validity of the experimental results and gain a better and deeper understanding of the problem at hand. For the same reason experimental work is often accompanied by advanced measurements such as optical fibers, DIC and ACPD. Many of the research tracks in the group take a holistic approach where aspects related to material, production methods, design and long-term performance are considered in frames with reference to investment cost, life-cycle cost and environmental impact. 


Collaboration and research utilization

The group of Lightweight Structures has an active and well-established collaboration with many national and international research groups as well as stakeholders and industrial actors. The latter include material producers, production industries, designers, and construction companies. The group is also involved several national and international groups and technical committees.