Research at Architecture and Civil Engineering

The department represents a broad field of knowledge theory ranging from engineering science to social science to the humanities and design-based, artistic research. These different perspectives enable strong interdisciplinary development and a broader discussion of different aspects of sustainability. Together, we are well equipped to take on challenges in the pursuit of a sustainable society.

Our research profiles are reflected in our doctoral programmes in the two Graduate schools; Civil and Environmental Engineering and Applied Acoustics, as well as in our international Master's programmes. We place a great deal of importance on collaboration and on disseminating the results of our research to a wide public audience. Through active involvement in several of Chalmer's Areas of Advance, we contribute to the vision of a sustainable future. 


Research in the Architecture subject areas

Architectural research has been conducted at Chalmers since the 1960s. Today, research includes design and practice based methods such as projective research, often combined in transdisciplinary modes with methods adapted from science, social sciences, humanities and fine arts.

Chalmers Architecture leads and takes part in two strong national research environments Architecture in the Making and Architecture in Effect. These environments are independent of, but partly linked to the dividsions of the department.

Architecture consists of three divisions for research and education:

  • Arcitectural Theory and Methods
  • Building Design
  • Urban Design and Planning

Research in the Civil Engineering subject areas

In order to achieve a sustainable society it is important to conduct research into the actual construction and operation of buildings and the infrastructure. Construction and maintenance of buildings and the infrastructure account for as much as 40 % of energy and material requirements in society.
Research in Civil Engineering  analyses and solves problems that are linked to the interaction in society between technical solutions, man and nature.
We profile the research by focusing on the sustainable construction of buildings, facilities and the infrastructure. Research issues deal with health and safety, research and energy efficiency, technical reliability and management in the construction process.
In research, the methods employed are mainly experimental studies, field studies, case studies and the development of theoretical models. We test prediction models by comparing with actual experiments.
Research areas – the construction sector

Civil Engineering has research groups connected to a whole range of different subjects. The groups are linked through their strong construction sector profile. This makes us unique in the fact that we focus on a particular sector with which we co-operate very closely. Often we also work across subject boundaries.
The divisions in Civil Engineering:
Applied Acoustics 

  • Building Services Engineering
  • Building Technology
  • Construction Management

  • Geology and Geotechnics
  • Structural Engineering 

  • Water Environment Technology 

Our publications

Publications from ACE

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Our research projects

Research projects at ACE

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Our divisions

Applied Acoustics

Sound and vibration is part of our daily life, and its properties are critical to the function and the quality of environments, products, and transportation. Today the design of high-speed trains, automotive vehicles, transport infrastructure, cities and buildings is strongly influenced by performance requirements with respect to sound and vibration properties.

Architectural Theory and Methods

The division of Architectural Theory and Method conducts research and education within the fields of theory, history and methods for architecture and planning.

Building Design

At the division for Building Design, research and teaching embraces planning, design, production, use and management of buildings with a focus on the relationship between activities operation and facilities, building tectonics, circular processes and sustainable development.

Building Services Engineering

The research and education within building services engineering focuses on systems solutions for ventilation, heating, cooling, lighting, and control technology. Our goal is to develop and to teach about solutions that provide a healthy indoor environment while minimising the impact on the outdoorenvironment.

Building Technology

The Division of Building Technology brings together knowledge from Building Physics Modelling, Building Materials,  Infrastructure Physics and Sustainable Building.

Construction Management

We work in an interdisciplinary field including the entire construction process. We focus on single construction projects and the various roles of actors involved, or on individual companies / groups of companies and their operations. The main commitment of our research is to contribute to a future that results in healthier products, more efficient processes and a more sustainable society. Although we predominantly study the construction sector, part of our research is directed towards other project-based industries (e.g. ICT, automotive and consulting).

Geology and Geotechnics

The research and education within the division is focused on geotechnical engineering, engineering geology and urban mobility. These very broad research fields include characteristics of soft soils and cementitious geomaterials, geotechnical engineering, foundation engineering, groundwater flow, drinking water supply, remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater, underground construction, subsurface planning, urban mobility and planning of roads and traffic systems.

Structural Engineering

The research in the division of Structural Engineering comprise twp main areas: Concrete Structures and Lightweight Structures.

Urban Design and Planning

The Urban Design and Planning division researches and educates in urban design and planning in all scales, from single urban spaces to larger urban landscape and entire regions, with its’ main focus on built environment in relation to sustainable development. Cities and regions today are facing great challenges regarding sustainable development, with ongoing large scale urban development projects and a need to handle societal challenges such as climate change, urbanisation processes, increasing regional imbalance, segregation and gentrification processes. Thus, cities and regions today face large challenges that architects and planners need to handle in their daily practice and there is a great need for new knowledge within the field.

Water Environment Technology

At the division of Water Environment Technology we carry out interdisciplinary research and education in the areas of water, environment, energy and sustainability.