About the education
Chalmers offers two five-year Master of architecture programmes, “Architecture” and “Architecture and engineering”, each of which leads to a professional architectural degree. The five-year programme tracks for professional degrees are composed of a bachelor (basic) level and a master (advanced) level of 6 + 4 semesters.
Our two international master’s programmes are:
- Architecture and urban design (MPARC) and
- Architecture and planning beyond sustainability (MPDSD),
each of which leads to a Master of science in architecture.
A student from Chalmers that has a bachelor’s degree in one of the main subjects, Architecture or Architecture and engineering, will after completing the additional advanced coursework in one of the above master’s programmes also receive the professional degree of Master of architecture.

Master's thesis exhibition
The department arranges an open examionation process with a master's thesis exhibition that is open to the public. The aim is to present the students work for our invited external experts (censors) as well as to family, friends and the public, and by doping so open up for a constructive dialogue between the department, expertise and the society.
Examination days
The examination process has three main parts:
- an exhibition of all the master's projects
- an opening/vernissage of the exhibition featuring a panel debate on a subject with connections to the theme of the exhibition
- oral presentations of each project with time for questions ) in parallell sessions)
The exhibition is open to the public. In the exhibition projects from the two master's programmes Architecture and planning beyond sustainability, and Architecture and urban design are featured. You can view master's projects from recent years on https://projects.arch.chalmers.se
Master's thesis directions
The students choose one of following directions for their master's project:
- Building and tectonics
- Building Design and Transformation for Sustainability
- Critical Spatial Perspectives
- Design Activism Beyond Borders
- Healthcare
- Housing
- Material Turn
- Matter Space Structure
- Rurban transformations
- Social Ecological Urbanism
- Urban Challenges
Presentations of the master's thesis/projects
Each session is about 50 minutes long and hosted by the examiner in the presence of a censor who leads the discussion. The student presents her/his work in about 25 minutes, followed by the examiners statement, the censor's discussion and questions from the crowd.

Educational organisation
Roles and contact information to the staff in the School of architecture can be found under the main page Education >>
The history of the School of Architecture
Claes Caldenby, Professor Emeritus at the Department of Acrhitecture and Civil Engineering give a retrospect on the education.
Melchior Wernstedt (1886–1973) was a professor in Architecture at Chalmers. When he retired in 1951 he donated money for a generous travel grant and for prizes in a student competition.