Graduate Schools at ACE

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The glass roof of Ljusgården and silhouettes of people at Ljusgården from a frog perspective
Two students sitting by a pond

What being a PhD student at Chalmers is like 

What can you do research about, how was the education and the time as a PhD at Chalmers and the Department or Architecture and Civil Eingeering? Meet some of our alumni from the research education >>

The Applied Acoustics Graduate school

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering also runs a graduate programme – Applied Acoustics – within the framework of an inter-institutional graduate school, run in collaboration with the Royal Institute of Technology and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. There is only one specialisation at Applied Acoustics.

About the Applied Acoustics Graduate School >>


The Architecture Graduate School

The doctoral programme is focusing on the matter of architecture. Architectural knowledge is the basis for giving form to the physical environment and its development. Architecture deals with artefacts and places, their spatial qualities and use as well as systems, processes and methods related to buildings, interior space, built environment and development.

About the Graduate school of Architecture >>

The Swedish research school ResArc

The Swedish research school ResArc is a collaboration between the schools of Architecture at KTH, Chalmers, LTH, and Umeå University with the aim of strengthening architectural research, education and collaborative projects at national and international levels. ResArc was launched in February 2012 and is coordinated and administered by the Department of Architecture and Built Environment at Lund University. ResArc received funding from the Swedish Research council FORMAS 2011 in a total effort that also includes the two strong research environments Architecture in Effect and Architecture in the Making.


The Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate School

The scientific area Civil and Environmental Engineering has the overall aim of creating the physical conditions for a resource-efficient and sustainable society. The work is focused on construction, infrastructural facilities and the interaction between technology, man and nature. Important general issues are thus related to the safety and health of human beings, environmental impact, energy utilisation, the operation, maintenance and management of facilities/buildings and cost efficiency in social structures. On the graduate level Civil and Environmental Engineering offers eight specialisations.

About the Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate School >>


ACE Graduate School Organisation

Assistant Head of Department, Research Education

Kathleen Murphy
  • Professor, Water Environment Technology, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Director of Studies for the Architecture Graduate School

Krystyna Pietrzyk
  • Studierektor, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Directors of Studies for The Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate School

Leonardo Rosado
  • Studierektor, Architecture and Civil Engineering
Rasmus Rempling
  • Senior Researcher, Construction Management, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Director of Studies for The Applied Acoustics Graduate school

Leonardo Rosado
  • Studierektor, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Graduate Schools Administration

Lena Högberg
  • Administrator, ACE Operations Support, Architecture and Civil Engineering