Construction Management

We work in an interdisciplinary field including the entire construction process. We focus on single construction projects and the various roles of actors involved, or on individual companies / groups of companies and their operations. The main commitment of our research is to contribute to a future that results in healthier products, more efficient processes and a more sustainable society. Although we predominantly study the construction sector, part of our research is directed towards other project-based industries (e.g. ICT, automotive and consulting).


Through construction substantial and lasting value is created for society. The production of buildings, facilities and infrastructure, however, is a comparatively long and resource-intensive process with many stakeholders involved. Nowadays, such investments are often realised in collaboration between the public sector and private companies. The building and property industry is today also increasingly facing challenges as an aged built environment is in dire need of maintenance, repair and remodelling. How these activities are organized and implemented is of great importance for the outcome and this is the focus of the divisions´ research.

Urbanization, sustainability, digitalization, economic fluctuations, and globalized workforce are among the issues at the top of the agenda posing great demands on the built environment. Our research aims to contribute to the management of the complex challenges towards more efficient processes, sound products, and a more sustainable society. We perform interdisciplinary research involving the entire construction process. In both our research and education we have close cooperation with the construction sector and its multiple actors.  

Our research focuses on four main areas:

  1. Understanding and developing construction processes from integrated human, values and sustainability  perspectives
  2. Understanding and developing forms and processes of projects, organization and leadership
  3. Understanding, design, implementation and use of information and technology
  4. Understanding and developing strategy and innovation of the construction sector and its actors



Our research is extensively reflected in the education and training we conduct. We have an unyielding involvement in three programs at undergraduate level:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Construction Engineering
  • Business Development and Entrepreneurship in Construction

Furthermore, the division is responsible for two masters programs:

  • Design and Construction Project Management, which establishes a holistic approach to construction based on several aspects (society at large, the company / organisation and the projects with their suppliers) 
  • International Project Management, which takes a general perspective on project management within virtually all application areas in various sectors.

Finally, we offer continuous professional training as well as graduate education within our subject.



Our department has a number of academic partners in different parts of the world. We also have strong links with the construction industry, particularly through the Centre for Management of the Built Environment (CMB), which comprises more than 60 member companies and about 10 research groups at Chalmers. This, we take advantage of both in our research and in education.
