Chalmers AI Research Centre is a community and a collaboration space for researchers with a shared interest in AI. We provide a space to collaborate and tools to take the research to the next level. We do this through workshops, events, and communication. The aim is to increase collaborations where AI has a fundamental part, and to increase the excellence of the Chalmers’ AI-research.

Photographer: Boid
CHAIR’s work is established on three pillars, or tracks: AI Foundations, AI for Science and AI Applications. All research supported by the centre is to be found within at least one of these tracks. Through the strategically defined three tracks, we create collaborations between Chalmers researchers, and with international experts and industry – deepening our knowledge within fundamental and applied AI, as well as within AI as a tool for scientific research.
To narrow it down and get a sharp focal point of the activities, CHAIR applies periodical research initiatives, called themes. The themes are initiated and managed by researchers that aim to further increase the capacity within a specific topic, both within the university and through international collaboration.
Read about our themes, and about the tracks, under Research.
The Chalmers Foundation co-finance CHAIR together with Chalmers and industry partners. The centre is hosted by Chalmers ICT Area of Advance.
CHAIR has a meeting place in Fysikhuset Origo at Campus Johanneberg.