Evenemanget har passerat

Installationsföreläsning, Frances Sprei, vid Rymd-, geo- och miljövetenskap

Charging plug-in electric vehicles – a tale of three studies


Evenemanget har passerat

Frances Sprei, vid avdelningen för fysisk resursteori, presenterar sin installationsföreläsning för befordran till biträdande professor. 


Charging plug-in electric vehicles – a tale of three studies.


The development of charging infrastructure is a hot topic within the electrification of transport, e.g. recently the EU set mandatory deployment targets for electric charging infrastructure in the new Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR). And the lack of charging infrastructure is often mentioned as a barrier to the adoption of plug-in electric vehicles. Through my research, I have addressed these issues from different angles.

In this presentation, I will outline how inputs from one study have led to other studies ranging from household trials of electric vehicles, through the development of mental models, to modeling the need for charging infrastructure. My starting point has been the user perspective and how people use and perceive electric vehicles and the implications for charging infrastructure deployment and use.