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Jim Johansson och Emil Pettersson presenterar sitt examensarbete

Titel: Metod för livscykelanalys för produkter tillverkade av Swedish Electro Magnets, SEM - En undersökning av XPI statorinjektor till dieselmotorer

Examensarbete inom högskoleingenjörsprogrammet Maskinteknik

Opponent:  Emilia Larsson


Evenemanget har passerat

Examinator: Peter Hammersberg, IMS


Sammanfattning - Abstract
This report is about the development and function testing of a simplified life cycle analysis (LCA) methodology and a corresponding tool for SEM (Swedish Electro Magnets), developed using commonly available software in the Microsoft office suite. This work is done using a real case of the XPI (extreme pressure injector) stator-injector as reference, reporting on the conclusions from the test analysis.
Since the main goal of the study was to develop a calculation tool, this study includes much information about how the tool was developed from the steps of Lifecycle analysis (LCA). While the results from example use of the tool have not been verified against real measured data, the tool follows the standard methodology for LCA and provides results deemed as reasonable.
The stator-injector is manufactured in Åmål by SEM and is an important component of the fuel injection system for Scania truck engines. The commercial automotive industry is constantly working to reduce their environmental impact and this study is intended to help SEM identify which part of the product lifecycle is the most damaging to the environment. It is also meant to provide tools for further development of SEM products from an environmental perspective.
The results from this study show that almost all emissions come from the usage of the stator-injector during its service life and that improvements in this area should be prioritised for further development. Some of the most important observations include that there is room for reduction of emissions on a per piece basis in the production, but that in the development phase the most important goal should be to increase efficiency as the absolute majority of emissions are generated during use. However, there are still possibilities for improvements in the areas of packaging and transport.
The accuracy of the developed tool is highly dependent on the quality of the input data and should be considered carefully before use. The tool does however produce results roughly in line with expectations and does identify a problem area which should be prioritised for further development.

• Keywords: Life cycle analysis, LCA, XPI, stator-injector, fuel system, diesel engine, methodology