Evenemanget har passerat

Dennis Delwér presenterar sitt examensarbete

Titel: The power of lyrics, From user behaviour to use cases: discovering opportunities for digital lyrics in a home context


Evenemanget har passerat

Masterprogram: MPDES
Examinator/handledare: Oskar Rexfelt, IMS
Opponenter: Filip Eliasson & Carl Wingren Bergman


Throughout history, song lyrics have been an important form of artistic expression, providing insights into the thoughts, emotions, and culture of different societies. More recently, the digitisation of music and the emergence of online platforms have made song lyrics even more accessible and widely available. In order to remain competitive against competitors and to maintain its attractiveness to users, it is important to know when and how to use lyrics. By understanding, which are the users' behaviours when viewing lyrics and the needs and goals that these reveal, to unlock new ways and understand how to improve a lyrics feature and add value to the user experience.