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Bahareh Ahkami, Elektroteknik

Titel: Stable and reliable Lower Limb control with Signals recorded from Muscles


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Bahareh Ahkami är doctorand i forskargruppen Bionik, Avdelningen för System- och reglerteknik

Diskussionsledare är professor Strahinja Dosen, Aalborg University, Denmark

Examinator är professor Max Ortiz Catalan, Avdelningen för System- och reglerteknik



Despite significant advancements in prosthetic leg technology, there is still no commercially available device that fully mimics natural human movement. To explore solutions to this issue, we set out to investigate the feasibility of utilizing EMG signals to control prosthetic legs.
First, we conducted a feasibility study to demonstrate that neural signals, in addition to muscular signals, can be useful for controlling prosthetics in the upper limb sincewe did not have access to such implants in the lowerlimb. Afterward,we conducted a systematic literature review to understand the current state of the art in lower limb prosthetic control using signals recorded from muscles.
Based on our findings, we recognized the need forand hence developedan open-source software platform to test different algorithms for processing and decoding signals recorded from muscles. We designed this softwareto be able to compare and enhance different algorithms in a common platform. Then we demonstrated that the addition of EMG to conventional sensors used in legs is beneficial. Our goalis to develop a reliable prosthetic control algorithmusing signals recorded from muscles.To achieve this, we plan to conduct further research and testingto improve the accuracy and reliability of existing controlalgorithms. Ultimately, our aim is to implantintramuscular electrodeson a patientto control the prosthetic leg better accuracyand reliability, bringing us one step closer to a clinicallyviable device that can be used in everyday life.