Chalmers' overarching research areas in Materials science

Materials for the green transition
A sustainable society requires sustainable raw materials, and the efficient use and recycling of materials.
We conduct research into renewable raw materials, lightweight materials and reducing the environmental impact of materials. We also focus on recycling and long-term properties, to increase the life and reuse of materials.

Materials for health
Materials science offers great opportunities for healthcare and health prevention in the future.
Our research includes material-tissue interactions, distribution of medicines in the body, bioanalytical applications and infection-related materials. We work closely with the area Biomaterials science at the University of Gothenburg.

Materials for energy
Access to renewable, safe energy is crucial to ensure a globally sustainable society.
We conduct experimental and theoretical basic materials science research in the field of energy, covering everything from solar energy conversion and energy storage in new types of batteries to large-scale energy transfer.