In focus of Information and Communication Technology
Chalmers' overarching research areas in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Software, models and algorithms offer opportunities to create a smarter society based on our needs and challenges.
Research includes autonomous and interactive vehicles, robots and complex software-intensive systems with the intelligence to achieve autonomy in interaction with humans.

Artificial intelligence
Rapid developments in computing resources and networks and huge data volumes have the potential to change how our society works.
Our research includes fundamental understanding of the technology, as well as applications in research, society and industry. We develop methods based on advanced algorithms and computational challenges that arise from collecting, storing and visualising large volumes of data.

Digital sustainability
Information and communication technology offers the keys to a sustainable future.
This requires research with security and privacy in mind. Our focus is broad and includes everything from energy-saving automation to supporting sustainable lifestyles, protecting critical infrastructure and safeguarding privacy.

A connected world
Improvements in communication technology are a constant requirement, affecting all of society, in all sectors.
The research focuses on capacity, coverage, efficiency, robustness and user experience and addresses research fields in mobile communications, optical networks, sensors and user interfaces.