Complex analysis in several variables is a wide field of research; it is a branch of analysis but with strong connections to algebra and geometry.
We currently conduct research in residue theory with connections to commutative algebra, and analysis on singular spaces, e.g., division problems, the dbar-equation, and integral representation.
Another research theme in focus is Kähler geometry. The emphasis is on the interplay between Kähler geometry, positivity of direct image bundles and pluripotential theory (notably in connection to Kähler-Einstein metrics and complex Monge-Ampère equations).
Connections to convex geometry and Okounkov bodies, as well as to random point processes, are also explored.
We organize the KASS seminar, announced in the Calendar.

- Head of Division, Algebra and Geometry, Mathematical Sciences

- Full Professor, Algebra and Geometry, Mathematical Sciences
- Professor, Algebra and Geometry, Mathematical Sciences

- Senior Lecturer, Algebra and Geometry, Mathematical Sciences

- Senior Lecturer, Algebra and Geometry, Mathematical Sciences

- Full Professor, Algebra and Geometry, Mathematical Sciences

- Head of Unit, Algebra and Geometry, Mathematical Sciences

- Full Professor, Algebra and Geometry, Mathematical Sciences

- Full Professor, Algebra and Geometry, Mathematical Sciences