Our fields of expertise are wide and diversified. Some of the specialties within mathematics are spectral theory and harmonic analysis, complex analysis, kinetics, partial differential equations, algebraic geometry, number theory, optimization, combinatorics, probability, biomathematics and financial mathematics. In computational mathematics the work is mainly directed towards the numerical solution of partial differential equations and development of the finite element method.
The research in mathematical statistics is related to several fields of applications. Some of the areas are biostatistics and bioinformatics where we cooperate with biologists, medical researchers and the pharmaceutical industry. Analysis of spatial models and image processing is related to environmental statistics. Risk analysis is another speciality that is based on the study of rarely occurring catastrophical events. We also have specialities in probability theory such as stochastic processes, branching processes and particle systems.
Researchers are employed by either Chalmers or University of Gothenburg and belong to one of three division
The daily work is conducted within one or more of our research areas which are presented here.
Our publications
Researchers at Mathematical Sciences produce a large number of publications, such as studies, scientific articles, teaching aids and other books or chapters.
You can find them in the publication databases below.

Chalmers research database