Here you will find contact information for our Bachelor's programmes.
Each programme has its own programme management, consisting of three functions, listed in the following order:
- A Director of the Master's programme
- A Director of studies
- A Student guidance counsellor
Affärsutveckling och entreprenörskap inom samhällsbyggnadsteknik (TAFFS)
Arkitektur (TKARK)
Arkitektur och teknik (TKATK)
Automation och mekatronik (TKAUT)
Bioteknik (TKBIO)
Datateknik, högskoleingenjör (TIDAL)
Datateknik (TKDAT)
Design & produktutveckling, högskoleingenjör (TIDSL)
Ekonomi och produktionsteknik, högskoleingenjör (TIEPL)
Elektroteknik, högskoleingenjör (TIELL)

Josip Vukusic
- Senior Researcher, Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory, Microtechnology and Nanoscience
Ingemar Josefsson
- Director of Studies, Student and Education Office, Chalmers Operations Support

Sanna Pitkänen
- Student Guidance Counsellor, Student and Education Office, Chalmers Operations Support
Elektroteknik (TKELT)
Globala system (TKGBS)
Industriell ekonomi (TKIEK)
Informationsteknik (TKITE)
Internationell logistik (TSILO )

Martin Larsson
- Programansvarig, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Automation, Design along with Shipping and Marine Engineering

Ida Ylenfors
- Director of Studies, Student and Education Office, Chalmers Operations Support

Elisabeth Ericson
- Student Guidance Counsellor, Student and Education Office, Chalmers Operations Support
Kemiteknik, högskoleingenjör (TIKEL)
Kemiteknik (TKKMT)
Kemiteknik med fysik (TKKEF)
Kompletterande pedagogisk utbildning (KPLOL)
Maskinteknik, högskoleingenjör (TIMAL)
Maskinteknik (TKMAS) - Current programme
Maskinteknik (TKMSK) - New programme starting Autumn 2025
Medicinteknik (TKMED)
Mekatronik, högskoleingenjör (TIMEL)
Samhällsbyggnadsteknik, civilingenjör (TKSAM)
Samhällsbyggnadsteknik, högskoleingenjör (TISAM)
Sjöbefäl klass VII (SBVII)

Johan Magnusson
- Programansvarig, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Automation, Design along with Shipping and Marine Engineering

Ida Ylenfors
- Director of Studies, Student and Education Office, Chalmers Operations Support

Elisabeth Ericson
- Student Guidance Counsellor, Student and Education Office, Chalmers Operations Support
Sjöingenjör (TISJL)
Sjökapten (TSJKL)

Johan Magnusson
- Programansvarig, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Automation, Design along with Shipping and Marine Engineering

Ida Ylenfors
- Director of Studies, Student and Education Office, Chalmers Operations Support

Elisabeth Ericson
- Student Guidance Counsellor, Student and Education Office, Chalmers Operations Support
Tekniskt basår på campus (ZBASS)

Jonny Lindström
- Programansvarig, Physics, Chemistry and Biological Engineering along with Mathematics and Engineering Preparatory Year
Lars-Göran Ottosson
- Director of Studies, Student and Education Office, Chalmers Operations Support

Klas Heimersson
- Student Guidance Counsellor, Student and Education Office, Chalmers Operations Support
Tekniskt basår på distans (ZBARD)

Jonny Lindström
- Programansvarig, Physics, Chemistry and Biological Engineering along with Mathematics and Engineering Preparatory Year
Lars-Göran Ottosson
- Director of Studies, Student and Education Office, Chalmers Operations Support

Klas Heimersson
- Student Guidance Counsellor, Student and Education Office, Chalmers Operations Support
Teknisk design (TKDES) - Current programme
Teknisk design (TKTDE) - New programme starting Autumn 2025
Teknisk fysik (TKTFY)
Teknisk kemi (TKTKE) - New programme starting Autumn 2025
Teknisk matematik (TKTEM)
Freestanding courses
For questions regarding freestanding courses, please contact the study and carreer guidance.

Study and career guidance