University education in engineering and science faces several large challenges. One is its failure to recruit and retain a diverse student body.
Another, its central role in preparing students for working with science and technology as parts of mitigating rather than exacerbating environmental and societal crises. At the Department of Communication and Learning in Science, we approach these topics under the research theme “Critical perspectives on identities, policies and practices”. Researchers in this theme address questions about social identity, the formation of professional knowledge, practice and identities, as well as inclusion, exclusion, and communication among diverse student groups. Drawing on critical social theories and primarily qualitative methodologies, we analyze the interaction of policies and practices within university education in science and technology, bringing together politics and power on the societal level with the interactions in university education. Our research aims at providing knowledge, and critical challenges to prevailing knowledge, to create a more just science and engineering in the service of society.
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- Senior Lecturer, Engineering Education Research, Communication and Learning in Science