Departmental management
Head of Department and Library Director
Ann-Sofie Axelsson
+46 31 772 6571
Deputy Head of Department responsible for collaboration and utilisation
Fia Christina Börjeson
+46 31-772 58 18
Head of Administration
Peter Hansson
+46 31 772 3873
Head of Division, acting (Specialist Language and Communication)
Carl Johan Carlsson
+46 31 772 5816
Head of Division (Engineering Education Research)
Malin Kjellberg
+46 31 772 2788
Head of Division (Learning and Learning Environments)
Christina Johansson
+46 31 772 3755
Head of Division, acting (Information Resources and Scientific Publishing)
Jessica Lindholm
031-772 38 72
Assistant Head of Department (Research)
Hans Malmström
+46 31-772 60 85
Assistant Head of Department (Education)
Carl Johan Carlsson
+46 31-772 58 16
HR Partner
Lena Lindgren
+46 31 772 1041
Departmental Administrator
Anna Bolling
+46 31 772 2759
Main Library
Chalmers tekniska högskolas bibliotek
412 96 Göteborg
Street address: Hörsalsvägen 2
+46 31 772 3737
Kuggen Learning Commons, Campus Lindholmen
Chalmers tekniska högskola
Kuggen Chalmers bibliotek
412 96 Göteborg
Street address: Lindholmsplatsen 1
+46 31 772 5784
Architecture and Civil Engineering Library
Chalmers tekniska högskola
Architecture and Civil Engineering Library
412 96 Göteborg
Street address: Sven Hultins Gata 6
+46 31-772 24 13
Departmental Advisory Team
Support on strategic development issues
The Departmental Advisory Team at CLS is composed of the head of department, a vice president, five external representatives for professional life (one of whom is appointed as the chair of the council), a representative of Chalmers' president who has Chalmers-wide knowledge and interest, a doctoral student representative and a student representative. The council identifies and makes decisions on overall strategic issues that are important.
If you need to get in touch with a representative in our Departmental Advisory Team, please email our Communications Officer Jenny Palm, and she will help you.
Our representatives:
Arnold Pears, Chair, KTH, (external representative)
Peter Andréasson, Karolinska Institutet, (external representative)
Gustav Bohlin, Science & the Public, (external representative)
Sara Kjellberg, Malmö University Library (external representative)
Erik Winerö, University of Gothenburg (external representative)
Susanne Kullberg, Technology Management and Economics, (President’s representative)
Gabriel Arslan Waltersson, (Doctoral Student Representative)
Albin Bladh Hazard, (student representative)
Ann-Sofie Axelsson, Head of Department and Library Director, CLS
Fia Börjesson, Deputy Head of Department and senior lecturer, CLS
Anna Bolling, Departmental Administrator, CLS
Department Faculty Assembly
Should ensure there is a good academic environment
At CLS, the purpose of the Departmental Faculty Assembly is to identify, discuss and make decisions on issues of importance to the department’s research and education in order to safeguard a good academic environment.
The Assembly must monitor and critically review operational quality from an academic perspective, taking into account the relationship between research, doctoral programmes and higher education. It should provide an active forum for the discussion of strategic initiatives and the filling of new positions in the department. It should also ensure that teachers and researchers in the department are guaranteed academic freedom of thought, expression and action.
Chair: Raffaella Negretti
Vice Chair: Anders Johansson
Invoice and delivery address
Chalmers University of Technology AB
Invoice service
SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden
The invoice states the reference person at Chalmers and place of cost
Delivery address
Chalmers University of Technology AB
Department of Science Communication and Learning/name of the recipient
SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden
All packages should be marked with name/reference. For more information contact the Postal and Transport Centre by phone 031-772 59 60.