Three honorary doctors appointed

Chalmers Faculty Senate has awarded Carol Flannagan, Madhav Marathe and Francis Aish to honorary doctorates at Chalmers for 2023. They receive this award for their great contributions and collaborations with Chalmers in the fields of transport research, network science, architecture and digital design.

Madhav Marathe

Madhav Marathe is Professor of Biocomplexity and Director of the Network Systems Science and Advanced Computing (NSSAC) Division at the University of Virginia, USA. He is awarded an honorary doctorate for outstanding achievements in computer science, AI and network science and for his contributions to interdisciplinary research and technology. His pioneering work in agent-based modelling applied to epidemiology has contributed to notable international efforts in the fight against the Covid-19, Ebola and Sars pandemics. Madhav Marathe was adjunct Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 2013-2016. In particular, he was involved, together with Chalmers faculty, in establishing a European Competence Center for Global Systems Science and established a research group to develop a synthetic Sweden to analyse new technologies such as electric cars and self driving vehicles.

Carol Flannagan

Carol Flannagan is a Research Professor at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) where she is he Director for the Center for Management of Information for Safe and Sustainable Transportation and the Head of the Statistics and Methods Group for the University of Michigan Injury Center. She is awarded an honorary doctorate for her ground-breaking scientific contributions to traffic safety. Carol Flanagan is internationally recognized for her research that has increased our understanding of crash causation. In addition, she has developed new methodologies for the evaluation of the safety benefit of advanced vehicle technologies. She has also performed pioneering analyses of naturalistic driving data and big data sets. Carol Flannagan has collaborated with Chalmers since 2009 and contributed to the supervision and education of many PhD students in the Division of Vehicle Safety. She has also played a key role in building up the world-leading competence in naturalistic driving data at SAFER.

Francis Aish

Francis Aish is an engineer who from 1999 - 2021 led the team for Applied Research and Development (ARD) at Foster+Partners in London. He is being honoured for his outstanding pioneering work in our understanding and use of digital design in architecture and engineering. Foster+Partners is one of the world's largest and most influential architectural offices, best known for its pivotal role in the architecture profession's development of digital methods. Francis Aish and his team also placed Foster+Partners centrally in leading international research networks. He has thereby contributed to the development of Chalmers' successful Architecture and Engineering educational program by, among other things, receiving students and visiting the college himself as an inspirer and guest lecturer.

The honorary doctors will receive their awards at Chalmers' doctoral promotion on 13 May.


Erik Krång