Nanoscientifica produces nanoparticles

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Picture of nano particles product

The start-up Nanoscientifica was developed by Robson R. da Silva, Jessica Origo Hernandez and Kasper Moth-Poulsen, Professor in Applied Chemistry. The company produces nanoparticles in an environmental responsible process.

It all started in 2020 when Robson and Jessica were postdocs in Kasper's group at Chalmers. In the research group, the three of them worked on producing large numbers of nanoparticles for a new type of sensor system. Together, they developed a method to produce high-quality nanoparticles in a large quantity as possible for the SSF funded plastics plasmonics project lead by professor Christoph Langhammer. This new method led them to establish a start-up called Nanoscientifica. Kasper is currently a professor at the Polytechnic University of Barcelona (UPC) and at Chalmers, but is still part of the company's board.

What is your goal with Nanoscientifica?

“We want to produce Nanoparticles that work better than other particles. This will also contribute to a green transition by using fewer noble metals. The goal is to create 90 per cent of our nanoparticles from recycled sources. This method is also more cost-effective than other methods”, says Kasper.

How has Chalmers helped in the development of your company?

“We have had the opportunity to rent lab equipment, lab space and access to infrastructures at Chalmers. We have also received analysis material, and participated in the Swedish Hydrogen Centre together with other researchers from Chalmers which has meant a lot to the company” says Kasper.

Kasper Moth-Poulsen
  • Full Professor, Applied Chemistry, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering


Amelia Brådenmark
