Freestanding courses

Chalmers offers a number of freestanding courses that run at a distance. They are suitable, for example, for professionals in need of skills development, for the general public or for students who want to take a course alongside their education programme or instead of a summer job.

The freestanding courses offered by Chalmers are posted in conjunction with the various application rounds. Here you will find the courses we currently offer. You can apply for the courses via (link opens in new window). The courses on this webpage are published at only. The application site is in Swedish, the language of instruction is in English.

Autumn 2024

Renewable power generation and electric transportation

Renewable electricity production and electricity transport. The need for electrical energy is increasing worldwide. The production of electrical power must be environmentally friendly for the development to be sustainable; the transport of people and goods must also go in that direction. You will learn basic knowledge about, technical descriptions of and performance of electricity production with wind power, solar power, wave power, hydropower and the function of an electric vehicle with battery storage.

Policymaking for climate action and circular economy

In the wake of the increased pace of ongoing sustainability transitions, responding to challenges such as climate change and the energy crisis, environmental policies are becoming more comprehensive, complex, and stringent. The purpose of this course is to give you an introduction to a portfolio of environmental policy instruments - including for instance taxes, subsidies, and tradeable permits - and existing policy frameworks and policy processes - including for instance EU Fit for 55 and international climate negotiations. It also introduces the concept circular economy which is gaining political and business momentum. To help you understand and navigate environmental policy instruments in your own practice and future work (e.g. identify business opportunities or ways to address environmental challenges effectively), the course includes seminars with experts from academia, industry, and politics, discussions, workshops, and AI simulations.

For those interested, a complementary project course of 2.5 credits is also offered.

Policymaking for climate action and circular economy - project course

The purpose of this course is to provide you with practical application in the analysis of environmental policy instruments and tools to create favorable conditions to skillfully navigate them in their own profession or future work and life.

The course is offered as an independent, in-depth project linked to the course "Policymaking for Climate Action and Circular Economy". The project offers an opportunity to examine, for example, taxes, subsidies, and emission rights, as well as existing policy frameworks and policy processes - including Sweden's climate policy or the EU's Fit for 55. The course is intended to help you understand and navigate environmental policy instruments in your own practice and future work, for example: identifying business opportunities or ways to effectively address environmental challenges.

Other freestanding courses for those who have a degree

Courses from our ordinary range of education

If you have a degree from Chalmers or an academic degree from another university you can apply for courses that are part of our programmes. If you are accepted, you study on campus during daytime according to the regular schedule together with students who follow the programme. The courses give higher education credits and have prerequisites that must be met.

Study guidance for freestanding courses

If you have questions regarding freestanding courses at Chalmers, you are welcome to contact Chalmers central study guidance.

Study and career guidance