Your degree certificate is proof of your degree, but there will be times when an employer or another higher education institution will want to check that the certificate is genuine – they will want verification of your degree. This can be done in various ways. If you have a login to Ladok for students, you can allow them to verify your degree by sharing your degree with them or creating an official transcript of records. That applies for both digital and paper certificates. Sometimes they may have particular requirements as to how a copy of your paper certificate should be sent. Establish exactly how you need to verify your degree. Chalmers Servicecenter or the Office for Degrees can always verify your degree.
Verify your degree using your degree certificate
Chalmers issues both paper and digital diplomas. There is a page that describes when, and for which degrees, the various certificates were issued. You can verify all degrees digitally by sharing your degree or retrieving an official transcript of records. Other ways to verify your degree depends on the format.
Degree certificate - digital or on paper
Please note that the diploma from the graduation ceremony or a paper printout of a digital degree certificate does not count as a legal document.
Verify your paper degree certificate
…with your own copy
The information shown on your degree certificate states which degree you have and what courses were included. A copy of your degree certificate will often suffice to verify your degree. You must not part with your original. If you should need to provide further proof, there are various ways of doing that. Read more on Degree certificate and Diploma Supplement
…with an archival copy certified by Chalmers
To show the whole of your degree certificate and the courses included in it, you can request an archival copy that is certified by Chalmers. You do this through the service Order archival copy of degree certificate. It will be sent by post.
Sometimes, they will want a copy of your certificate to be emailed directly from us or for us to send them certified paper copies in a stamped unopened envelope. Establish what is required in your case.
Verify your digital degree certificate
The PDF file can be downloaded an unlimited number of times from Ladok for students and sent to whoever you want to show your degree to. The e-stamp enables the recipient to check that nothing has been changed since the download from Ladok. The degree certificate is only valid with the e-stamp and can be verified, by you or someone else, in two different ways.
... through uploading to Ladok
Either by uploading the file to Ladok's verification page.
• Ladok’s page Verify document
• Ladok’s page about digital qualifications
... through opening in a PDF reader
Or by opening it in an established PDF reader for example Adobe Reader. First save the PDF file on your computer and then open it in a PDF reader. If you use a PDF editor, it can cause problems as it is not intended to be editable. Therefore, use a PDF reader.
Share your degree using a code
If you have an active login to Ladok, you can share information on your degree by collecting a code in Ladok for students. Then, anyone who has access to the code and your personal identity number, for example in your CV, will be able to check your degree and what courses were part of it in Ladok. The same code can be used, for half a year, multiple times and by multiple recipients.
If you were awarded your degree from Chalmers before May 2018, the courses included in your degree are not visible when you share your degree in this manner, but it will be possible to see what degree you have, when it was issued and when your studies were completed.
To share your degree:
- Log in to Ladok for students and navigate to Degrees and certificates
- Select Share certificate
- Send the control code to your intended recipient(s)
For the ones you've shared the code with to verify degree information:
- Visit Verify degree information
- Enter control code and personal identity number
Verify using an official transcript of records
…using a validation code
If you have an active login to Ladok for students, you can save a PDF yourself or print out an official transcript of records showing your courses. Degrees that have been issued can also be shown in the transcript, but the courses that were part of the degree are not visible. You can choose which courses are to be shown. The transcript can be printed out either in Swedish or in English. It is also possible to print out a national official transcript of records if you attended several higher education institutions in Sweden. The transcript gets a validation code that can be verified by others in Ladok.
…certified by Chalmers
If you are not able to log into Ladok for students, the Servicecenter can help by providing you with an official transcript of records. They can also certify a transcript if that should be required.
Verify by email to Chalmers Servicecenter
As of when your degree has been issued in Ladok, even before the degree certificate has reached you by post if you are recieving a paper degree certificate, Chalmers Servicecenter can verify it. An employer, recruiter or another higher education institution is always welcome to contact Chalmers Servicecenter or the Office of Degrees by email to have your degree directly verified by us.
Apostille – legalisation of your degree certificate
A legalisation is a stamp that certifies that the signature on a document is genuine. Sometimes you may need to legalise Swedish documents that are requested by or have to be presented to a foreign authority. Usually an apostille, which is the most common form of legalisation of documents, is sufficient. To get an apostille stamp on your document, contact a Notary Public.
If legalisation is required by the Swedish Government Offices, please contact the Legal Department at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Utrikesdepartementet). Read more about the legalisation of documents of value on Utrikesdepartementet’s website.
Should your digital diploma not be accepted by a recipient abroad, you can contact the Office of Degrees for further help with verification.
Verify your studies before a degree is issued
Even if your degree has not yet been issued, you may need to verify your studies or that you are a student. In Ladok for students you can create an official transcript of records or a certificate of registration yourself. If you are unable to log into Ladok, you should contact Servicecenter for an official transcript of records or a certificate of registration.
Official transcripts of records and certificate of registration
Official transcripts of records can be used to show your study results to an employer or another higher education institution. An official transcript of records shows your courses and results, and if you have been awarded a degree, you can choose to have it show as well.
A certificate of registration shows which courses you are or were registered for with the semesters involved. It can be used when you need to show that you are or have been a student at Chalmers.
An official transcript of records (resultatintyg) or certificate of registration (registreringsintyg) can be issued in Swedish or in English.

Verification of education and degrees relating to a former student
Chalmers uses the national student administration system Ladok to document our students’ study results and degrees. From 1 April 2024, we issue most diplomas digitally, while licentiate and doctoral degree diplomas are still issued on paper. Digital diplomas are verified through an e-stamp. Each degree that is issued on paper is printed out as one original, which is sent to the student, but before it is sent, we take a copy, which is kept in our archive. You can also request a copy of the student’s degree certificate. Chalm,ers Servicecenter can verify degrees that have been issued by looking at Ladok or checking the archive. Students can also share their degree themselves or print out an official transcript of records of their courses and degrees with a validation code that you can check. The Office of Degrees can answer questions raised by email or telephone.
Has the student sent their diploma as a PDF to you?
If the student has sent a pdf, it must be e-stamped. This applies to diplomas issued digitally after 1 April 2024. The e-stamp enables the recipient to check that nothing has been changed since the download from Ladok. The degree certificate is only valid with the e-stamp and can be verified by uploading the file to Ladok's verification page or by opening it in an established PDF reader. The degree certificate contains an appendix with more information and a link for verification.
To verify a digital degree certificate:
- Visit the page Verify document
- Upload the PDF file and verify the document
- Ladok’s page about digital qualifications
Has the student shared their degree with you?
If a student has shared their degree with you, you can verify it yourself in Ladok. You can access information relating to the degree using the student’s personal identity number and code. For degrees issued after May 2018, you can in addition to when it was issued and when the studies were completed, also see the courses included in degrees from Chalmers.
To verify shared degree information:
- Visit the page Verify degree information
- Enter control code and personal identity number
Verification of an official transcript of records
If you have obtained an official transcript of records printed out from Ladok, there is a validation code and link at the bottom of the page. You can obtain confirmation that the official transcript of records is genuine from the link below.
- Visit the page Verify official transcript of records in Ladok
- Enter control code and personal identity number
Request an archival copy of a degree certificate
If you want to see a degree certificate relating to a former student, or you have received a copy that you want to compare with the original, you can request a archival copy of the certificate from our archive.
- Visit the page Order archival copy of degree certificate
Ask Chalmers Servicecenter
If you send an email to Chalmers Servicecenter you can obtain an answer as to what education the student has had, whether they have been awarded a degree, when their degree was issued and when it and the courses involved were completed. We can also verify education that has not yet led to a degree.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding studies or the university.
Visiting Address: Chalmers Entré, Chalmersplatsen 1