The Chalmers Centre for Metal Cutting Research (MCR) was established in 2003 through the efforts of SKF and then-director Hans-Börje Oskarson. It belongs to the Department of Industrial and Materials Science and is associated with Chalmers Production Area of Advance.
Since its inception, the MCR has been dedicated to strengthening industry-academia partnerships. It supports Chalmers scientists in engaging in interdisciplinary research across divisions and research groups. The MCR facilitates industry-driven operations via research and learning and by managing two competence networks related to (1) processing fluids (PVC) and (2) grinding and abrasive technology (IGC).
- Sandvik Coromant
- Volvo Group
- Scania
- Uddeholms
- Kistler Group
- Skärteknikcentrum Sverige (SKTC)
- Chalmers
Advisory board
- Dr. Henrik Strandlund, Sandvik Coromant, MCR Chair
- Dr. Anders Liljerehn, Sandvik Coromant
- Patrik Forsberg, Volvo Group
- Jonas Svensson, Volvo Group
- Dr. Lorenzo Daghini, Scania
- Mattias Birgestam, Scania
- Ulrika Elmersson, Skärteknikcentrum Sverige (SKTC), MCR Vice-Chair
- Prof. Andreas Archenti, KTH DMMS
- Prof. Ragnar Larsson, Chalmers
- Prof. Lars Nyborg, Chalmers
- Dr. Amir Malakizadi, Chalmers MCR Deputy-Director
- Prof. Peter Krajnik, Chalmers MCR Director

Selected publications
Follow the links to read the publications on ScienceDirect's website.
“Post-processing of additively manufactured metallic alloys – A review”, Amir Malakizadi, Dinesh Mallipeddi, Sasan Dadbakhsh, Rachid M'Saoubi, Peter Krajnik, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 179, 2022.
“Influence of batch-to-batch material variations on grindability of a medium‑carbon steel”, Philipp Hoier, Bahman Azarhoushang, Per Lundin, Amir Malakizadi, Jeffrey Badger, Albin Stormvinter, Thomas Björk, Uta Klement, Fukuo Hashimoto, Peter Krajnik, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 73, 2022.
“Grinding and fine finishing of future automotive powertrain components”, Peter Krajnik, Fukuo Hashimoto, Bernhard Karpuschewski, Eraldo Jannone da Silva, Dragos Axinte, CIRP Annals, Vol. 70, Issue 2, 2021.
“A thermomechanically motivated approach for identification of flow stress properties in metal cutting”, Ahmet Ertürk, Amir Malakizadi, Ragnar Larsson, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 111, 2020.
“Physics-based approach for predicting dissolution‒diffusion tool wear in machining”, Amir Malakizadi, Bin Shi, Philipp Hoier, Helmi Attia, Peter Krajnik, CIRP Annals, Vol. 69, Issue 1, 2020.
“Microstructural variations in 316L austenitic stainless steel and their influence on tool wear in machining”, Philipp Hoier, Amir Malakizadi, Sven Friebe, Uta Klement, Peter Krajnik, Wear, Vol. 428–429, 2019.