2D material-based technology for industrial applications (2D-TECH) is a Vinnova competence center hosted at the Chalmers University of Technology. Our vision is to establish an internationally visible and competitive Swedish hub for excellent 2D materials research and technological innovation. We bring together the key players from industry and research and establish close, multi-disciplinary and dynamic collaboration.
2D-TECH matches the research expertise at Chalmers to technological needs of Swedish industry. 2D-TECH will create 2D-material-based technology with novel products across the value chain including food packaging (with 2D material as ultrathin gas barriers), mobile phones and laptops (with 2D materials as ultra efficient heat spreader) or cars and airplanes (with 2D-materials as multi-functional composites). The work in the center is organized in four research and innovation lines: Multifunctional Composites, Sustainable Energy, Electronics and Emerging Materials.
Samuel Lara Avila
The director of 2D-TECH. He is Associate Professor at the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience and has a long-standing academic track record in graphene and 2D materials research, with more than 15 years of experience and over 76 original scientific publications in the field.
Cristina Andersson
The Centre Coordinator. She is also the vice head for Utilization as well as industrial relations officer at the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience. Cristina has a Master in mechanical engineering (with a major in materials science) and a PhD in the field of reliability of second level interconnects.
Leif Asp
Leads the research in the R&I line Multifunctional Composites. He is Professor at the department of Industrial and Materials Science and his research group performs research on structural battery composites. The work comprises material development and characterization, ranging from mechanical and electrochemical characterization of constituents to cells and multi-cell structures.
Johan Liu
Leads the research in the R&I line Sustainable Energy. He is Professor and head of Electronics Materials and Systems Laboratory at the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2) at Chalmers. His research expertise focuses on 2D material based cooling technology, such as ultraefficient graphene heat spreaders.
Timur Shegai
Leads the research in the R&I line Emerging Materials. He is Associate Professor at the department of Physics at Chalmers. The scientific interests, goals and area of expertise of the Shegai group can be briefly summarized as nanoscale light-matter interactions.
Avgust Yurgens
Leads the research in the R&I line Electronics. He is a Professor in Solid State Physics at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2). His own research is focused on fundamental properties of graphene and 2D superconductors, and their applications in high-frequency electronics and biosensings.
Steering Board
The Centre Steering Board consists of partner representatives and decide on strategy goals, overall project portfolio, oversee KPIs, and approve the budget and inclusion of new partners in the center.
It will consist of up to nine members, meet three times per year, oversee KPIs and approve the budget.
- Marcus Hasselblad - chair, Gapwaves
- Per Hallander - Saab
- Anna Motta - Talga
- Maria Abrahamsson - Chalmers University of Technology
- Thomas Gillgren – Billerud
Scientific Advisory Board
The Advisory Board composed of external scientific and industrial experts will support the director and the steering board with advice on relevance and quality of the program.
- Prof. Peter Bøggild, Nanomaterials and Devices, Department of Physics, Center for Quantum Technologies, DTU, Denmark
- Prof. Frank Koppens - ICREA Research Professor at Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ICFO), Spain
- Prof. Max Lemme - Advanced Microelectronic Center, Germany
Industrial Advisory Board
The Advisory Board composed of external scientific and industrial experts will support the director and the steering board with advice on relevance and quality of the program.
- Elisabeth Sagström - Director SIO Grafen (Sweden)
- Fredrik Edgren - Volvo Cars (Sweden)
- Amaia Zurutuza, Scientific Director, Graphenea (Spain)
- Anna Mikaela Andersson, Senior principal scientist, ABB AB Corporate Research (Sweden)

Principal investigators
The centre's research organisation consists of the four areas multifunctional composites, sustainable energy, electronics and emerging materials.
Emerging Materials is aiming at exploiting the full potential of 2D materials (beyond graphene) and preparing for their future industrialization.
To drive progress in the four R&I lines, 2D-TECH will utilise and build upon knowledge and expertise existing at Chalmers and at industrial stakeholders. The work in the center will create synergy effects and offer a long-term perspective to establish 2D material-based technology in Sweden.
Here we list all members except the Principal Investigators that were listed above.

You will find publications by 2D-Tech in the research database (research.chalmers.se).
Potential financing
Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON)
Five open calls within HORIZON in the field of 2D materials.
- New generation of advanced electronic and photonic 2D-materials-based devices, systems and sensors (RIA)
- 2D-materials-based devices and systems for energy storage and/or harvesting (RIA)
- 2D-materials-based devices and systems for biomedical applications (RIA)
- 2D-material-based composites, coatings and foams (IA)
- Supporting the coordination of the Graphene Flagship projects (CSA)
All information can be find on Search Funding & Tenders/European Commission
Deadline date: 16 November 2022
SIO grafen
Calls within SIO Grafen shall generate projects carried out in collaboration between different partners.
Myfab access (clean room access)
Myfab invites you to a new program, offering free access to our cleanroom nanotechnology facilities. The aim is to give new user groups practical experience of Myfab.
Almi verifieringsmedel
Nya innovativa idéer innebär många gånger större risker än normala affärsidéer. Ofta behöver man undersöka, testa och verifiera olika hypoteser för att se om idén håller. Almis verifieringsmedel används för att få svar på kritiska frågor och därmed minska risken i utvecklingen av affärsidén.
VGR nystartade innovativa företag
Nystartade teknik- och kunskapsbaserade företag kan söka såddfinansiering för att utveckla en produkt, tjänst eller ett koncept.
VGR FoU-kort
Västra Götalandsregionen erbjuder stöd till forskningsprojekt som ska hjälpa företag att ta fram ny vetenskaplig kunskap och kompetens för att utveckla tjänster, varor och processer.
VGR konsultcheckar
Konsultchecken ska stärka och förnya företaget inom områden där man saknar eller har bristande kompetens. Insatsen ska vara avgränsad i tid och bidra till att utveckla företaget.
Syftet med denna utlysning är att underlätta deltagandet för västsvenska aktörer att delta i EU:s forsknings- och innovationsprogram.