Chalmers Conference on Teaching and Learning, also called KUL due to the Swedish acronym, is a conference about all aspects of higher education, including teaching, learning, supervision, educational leadership, and student relations. It was established in 2011 and is held yearly, welcoming all staff and students at Chalmers University of Technology.
Purpose and goal
The purpose of KUL is to promote conversations and exchange of experiences regarding learning and teaching within the entire educational activity at Chalmers, i.e. within education at basic and advanced level as well as within postgraduate education and life-long learning.
The goal of KUL is to increase the educational quality by offering:
- an arena for educational development and qualification
- a place for conversations between the various stakeholders, for example, students, teachers, study advisors, education secretaries, heads of programs, doctoral students, supervisors, and more
- an opportunity for collegial exchange of experience regarding course and program development
Sign up for KUL 2024
Sign up and register your attendence for KUL 2024 by clicking here.